Friday 4 May 2018


“Honey, you’re home early” I went ahead to greet him but there wasn’t a reply. I made to take the briefcase from his hand but he didn’t let me. The smile with which I came to him faltered and from the corner of my eyes, I saw his jaw clench as I he’s fighting something on the inside but it turned stoic almost immediately
I sat on the couch, and he did same too but giving us a reasonable amount of space setting his briefcase down
I averted my gaze, unable to look at him. So many thoughts were running through my mind. What does he want to talk about? It’s about the divorce issue no doubt but I wanted to avoid it since I replied him out of anger the day before. I didn’t want a divorce, I want to work through this with him. If only he’d do same and just talk to me
“Regina” he started and my heart was thumping in my chest.
“We… he continued, but I cut him off
“I prepared something. I know you’d be hungry, you didn’t eat before leaving the house. I made to get up but his voice stopped me
“Regina” he called again
“Did something happen at work, why are you home early? I tried covering up once more all the while avoiding his gaze
“Regina!” he yelled this time and I swallowed whatever I had I mind to say and turned to look at him
“About yesterday” he looked sternly at me. “We need to….
“I got a job” I spoke out suddenly, not knowing why that came out
“What?” his head whipped up to me immediately, his look intense on me. “What did you say?”
“I got a job”, I repeated “That’s what you want, isn’t it? He continued staring at me, not saying a word. “Isn’t it?” I repeated “You wanted me to do something right? To make something out of myself? That is want I’m trying to do. I want to make us work Daniel, I want the man I fell in love with back” I scooted closer to where he was and he didn’t make any sign to object. I went ahead to place my palm on his cheek, caressing his cheek gently with my thumb
“I want my Daniel back” I said, my voice breaking a little and he unconsciously leaned his face on my palm, his eyes closed like he was really fighting something and he looked so vulnerable. But suddenly, his jaw clenched and his eyes snapped open and he pried my hand away from his face once more spotting the stern look
“I’ll be in my room” he got up and left the living room, and I felt my heart feeling constricted in my chest, as I fought the tears.
After few minutes of staring blankly at the living room floor, since Daniel got up and left a while ago, and the sound of his door banging shut loudly. I heaved up, taking in a deep breath as I made my way to my room and laid gently on my bed, as I stared blankly at the ceiling. I pulled out my phone from my pocket and dialled Mary’s number and she picked up after the second ring
“Hi Gina?
“What’s wrong? Did something happen?
“No, no, I’m fine
“Are you sure?
“Yes, I’m fine Mary
“So what’s going on?
“I got a job”
“Really? That’s great. But why do I feel like you are not happy about it
“I am happy. I guess I just didn’t think I’d get it
“Well you did, and you should be proud. You deserve it
“Thanks mary
“Well enough of that, you know what this means?
“We’re going shopping for corporate work clothes
I could feel her grinning
“You’re right
“But Gina?
“Have you told Daniel?
“Yes” I said after much hesitation, thinking back to what happened
“What did he say?
“I’ll tell you when we meet. Bye
I hung up and sighed. Few minutes later, I felt my lids heavy and I was soon asleep. I felt the bed dip beside me and someone gently caressing my cheek but felt it was a dream, when I woke up to find the space beside me empty. I checked the time and it was evening already, I got up immediately and headed to the kitchen to make dinner. After I was done, I went to his room to call him to eat. I knocked but there wasn’t a reply. I pushed the door open gently, peering inside.
“Daniel?” I called in a hushed tone not to wake him up if he was sleeping, but he didn’t reply. I opened the door widely before it dawned on me. He isn’t home.
I rushed back to my room, picked up my phone and dialled his number. My mind was going haywire, many thoughts running through them. It rang but I hung up immediately. What he’s fine and I’m just overreacting, and then I call him and he gets mad at me? But he has never gone out in the evening without being angry, or maybe if we fought. We didn’t fight, we talked but that was in the morning, so what made him leave just like that
I paced up and down my room before deciding to call again. What’s the worse that can happen right? I sighed and pressed the phone close to my ear. It rang a while before going to voicemail. What’s going on? I was beginning to panic and left my room, walking the hallways of the house, the phone still pressed to my ear as I continued calling. I was walking past his room door when I heard ringing. I paused and turned to enter his room, and lo, the phone was on his table.
He left the phone home? I questioned, my heart beating out of my chest. I ran out to ask John if he knows where he went, but John said “No” only that he just requested the gate be opened, in a rushed manner, and then he drove out
I rushed back inside and dialled Mary’s number
“Mary, he’s left home and I don’t know where he is”
“He just left, do you think something’s wrong?”
“Okay Regina, just calm down and tell me what’s going on”
“He was in his room, so I went in and slept, and now this evening I went to call him to eat dinner but he’s not there”
“Maybe he went out”
“Without his phone? And now I can’t get to him
“I’m coming over Gina”
“No, don’t, maybe I’m just overreacting”
“Yes, you are, you need to calm down, he’ll be back. Did you guys fight?
“Exactly, so just be calm, and call me if he still isn’t back”
“Okay” I took a deep breath and hung up, though still thinking about various scenarios happening
I finally sat in the living room couch, my eyes fixed on the front door, waiting for him. After over an hour of staring and no sign of him coming through, I got up and began pacing once more. The sound of my phone ringing snapped me off my thoughts. I grabbed it immediately without even checking for the caller ID and pressed it to my ear
“Hello” I breathed out
“Regina, you need to come to the hospital right now”
“What? Doctor Jeremiah, what’s going on?”
I asked our family doctor, not knowing why he was sounding like that, and why he wants me in the hospital, or why he was calling by this hour
“Just come to the hospital right now” and he hung up
Without been told twice, I grabbed my car keys, sprinting out the front door like a mad woman and made straight for my car, yelling for John to open the gate. I know I probably owe him an apology for yelling at him, but that could wait. My husband’s not home, and our family doctor is calling for me to be at the hospital, which could only mean one thing
I reached the hospital parking lot, and parked my car, jumping out of it, not even sure if I locked it or not as I made my way into the hospital. I ran straight ahead looking for Dr Jeremiah and thankfully he met me halfway to his office
“What’s going on doctor? I asked catching me breath”
“Calm down Regina and just come with me”
I nodded and followed him as he took me to a private ward. He opened the door and there laid my husband in the hospital bed,a drip going through him, and he was out cold.
My hands flung to my mouth as I released a muffled gasp. My feet suddenly felt heavy as I dragged them towards my husband’s bedside.
“What? How did this, what happened?” I turned to Dr jeremiah who was also now staring at Daniel
“Regina” the doctor raised his hand to comfort me seeing as the tears were brimming in my lids, but I shook my head and his hand fell to his side
“What happened? Why is here?”
“Well he……
He made to answer but was cut short when Daniel frame shook, and his eyes fluttered open
“Honey” I held his free hand as I sniffled. “Are you okay, how are you feeling? I squeezed his hand gently, holding it up to place a kiss on his knuckles, but he was quiet
“Regina, he needs to rest some more. So he can’t answer you for now”
“Right” I nodded and turned briefly to the doctor before turning my gaze back to Daniel, as I gently caressed his cheek and his eyes shut close once more as his breaths had a steady rhythm
“What’s going on doctor?”
“It’s…it’s just malaria, he let it get out of hands that’s all. He just needs rest and he’ll be fine, he reassured then turned to leave. I saw something in is eyes I couldn’t quite place what it was as he turned to leave, so I shook it off. I turned back to Daniel’s sleeping figure still holding down his hand
I suddenly woke up not knowing when I slept off my hand still on Daniel’s and my head on his bed. I raised my head and my gaze was suddenly fixed on his as he was looking back at me, like he has been awake a while
“Hi” I smiled at him, but he didn’t answer nor did he avert his gaze which I was happy for.
“How are you feeling?”
“What are you doing here?” he finally spoke out
“I was really worried, you left, and your phone was left home, and then Dr Jeremiah called….
“Go home” he cut me off
“Go home, I’m fine”
“No you’re not, you’re in a hospital bed for Góds sake Daniel. So I’m not hearing any of it, and the doctor said you have malaria and let it get out of hand. Why would you do that? just cause you can’t stand me anymore doesn’t mean you should neglect your own body
His jaw clenched and he gritted out “Leave”
“I’m not going anywhere. So I don’t care if you don’t want to see me right now, you have to suck it up cause we’ll be here a while. I’m going to go get you something to eat
And with that I got up and let his room hearing his faint grunt, but didn’t care


I knew too well in my heart that, what I’m expecting to happen was far-fetched, like drawing smile out from my husband as he just got home, but I had only hoped
“Welcome honey, how was your journey?
“Don’t dare me Regina, where are you coming from? Is this how you pretend to be home all day when I leave the house, but end up going out to do all sorts of rubbish?
A bit pained, I bit back the tears building up in her eyes, as I stared at the man standing before me. Its like I don’t even know him anymore
“I didn’t go out to do anything, I just went out to meet a friend, she lied, knowing well not to tell him she went job hunting
“A friend? He barked, “what friend? I’m married to you and know you enough for a fact that you have no friends except for one. So, which friend are you talking about? Or is there something you’re not telling me?” his eyes filled with rage
“That, well is true, but I knew not to play into his trap. He just needed an excuse to rebuke me more than he’s already doing
“Honey, you just got home, please you need to rest. I’ll go make you something to eat. I walked away from his burning stare. I was halfway through the living room when his words made me halt with shaky legs. Those words I’ve been avoiding, which gave me nightmares every night and kept me thinking all day. I stood still, unable to move a muscle, then his words bellowed again
“I want a divorce”. Hot tears trailed down, burning my cheek. “I want a divorce” his voice rang out again through the room
I dried my tears, with my palm, and with a forced smile turned to face him. “Honey, you’re just tired, you’ve been gone a while. I’m sure when you’re fully rested, we can talk it out
“There’s nothing to talk about” he barked, walking closer to me. “I’m tired of this marriage, tired of you, tired of coming home and getting mad all the time”. The tears burned in my eyes, threatening to spill, but I blinked it away with a smile.
“Honey, I moved to touch him, but he dodged my hands, walking backwards, his features hardening causing my smile to falter. “Is there something you’d like for me to change, is there something I did wrong? I questioned and our gazes connected
“Everything and nothing” he barked “You’ve done everything wrong by doing nothing. We might have had it easy when we got married, but not anymore. You’re not a kid, so why do you act like I need to spell everything out for you? You think you’re just going to sit home all day and become this lazy housewife, while I work my bútt of all day?
It’s like everything within me went into overdrive when he was done. The anger was coursing through my veins like liquid larva, my entire being shaking with fury
“I was 18, when you married Me, I snapped. You took me away from my parents. I had no friends and we stood in the alter, when you promised me for better and for worse, till death do us part. But now what? A divorce? Is that what you want, I yelled, the tears trailing down my cheek, but he stood still. “Yea my parents didn’t have much but we went by. Till you came and told me I don’t have to worry about anything, that you’ll care for me, for them. I’ve been sleeping and waking up each day, everyday of the week, doing absolutely nothing, but you didn’t care, even when I complained to do something, you brushed it aside. I love and respect you, but all you do is throw it back at my face. I put on a smile everyday for you even when you’re having a rough day, but all you do is take it out on me, but I never complain cause I love you, and you’re my husband. But what do I get in return? A divorce?. Fine you want a divorce, you’ve got it. Let’s have a divorce. I barked, swiping the tears away with the back of my palm. I marched out on him, ignoring his dumbfound stare and headed straight to my room, banging the door a little harder, as it echoed through the big empty house
I sucked in a deep breath, as I rested my back at the door, as all that had happened few minutes ago came rushing back. “Deep breaths” I chanted in my head but it didn’t seem to be working as my mind trailed back to the second time I saw him.
He came back to search for me, and when he saw me, he had a smile playing on his lips as he said the two magically words that made my insides flutter. “Hey beautiful” he had said. No one had ever called me beautiful, and that got my attention and decided to talk to him, unlike my earlier thoughts of ignoring him as soon as I saw him
“Well aren’t you Cheesy. I saved your life, from a very angry lady by the way, and suddenly I’m beautiful? I frowned, whilst he still had his smile on
“I’ve always thought you’re beautiful, he beamed
“You’ve met me just once” I countered and crossed my hands on my chest
“Exactly”, he winked, causing her insides to churn, but I’m not about to be exposed I rolled my eyes. He is such. Player, I had thought, but little did I know I was going to end up getting married to him
My body jerked with the tears building up inside of me and I let it flow freely down my cheek, sobbing silently. I placed my head on my palm, sliding downwards and unto the ground. Letting it all go, I screamed out in despair, not minding that my soon to be ex-husband is in the house.
The next morning, I woke up to a throbbing head and my eyes felt sore from all the crying I did. I dragged my tired self to the bathroom and winched when I saw my reflection in the mirror. I shook my head and splashed water on my face. After taking care of my business, I walked to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for him but stopped short when I heard the front door bang shut announcing his departure..
I passed a hand through my Hair, scattering the already brushed hair in the Process, but I could care less. “What a way to start the day” I sighed and went ahead to prepare the meal. I knew I wouldn’t have an appetite to eat, but cooking helps me relax.
Minutes later, I was done, and I looked down on the cooked meal not knowing what to do with it. I covered the pan of egg sauce and made me my out of the kitchen and out the front door, and welcoming the warm morning air. The sun was already up
I drew a deep breath, hoping to clear the ache in chest, then breathed out. Trying the process for two more times, but it still didn’t work as I felt stuffy on the inside. I sighted John sitting with his usual cane in hand. I never did quiet understand why he carries it around, but never thought to ask
“Good morning John” I greeted with a smile, as I walked up to him, and he replied as same
“How are you this morning” I Asked, and he rose to my level
“very fine madam” John replied, though with a look of not being sure why I decided to come out and greet him this morning
I nodded, and there was an awkward silence, as John’s looked everywhere else but at me
“Have you eaten?” I all of a sudden asked, taken him by surprise, like the first time I had asked wasn’t enough
“errrrrm, ma-madam” he stuttered “I never eat, but I go find something to eat soon madam”
“No need” I said, and before he could react, I was already pulling him towards the house ignoring his enquiring eyes and mild struggles. Until I got inside did I let go of his hand and gestured for him to sit on the dining chair.
He looked at her in a, no-madam-I-no-fit manner but decided to sit after staring a while, mostly because he was hungry and didn’t want her feeling bad
My face lit up, and I went to the kitchen, brought forth the fried plantain with egg sauce and oatmeal I had prepared to the table. We sat and ate, while he went ahead to tell one of his crazy stories, and I saw myself laughing through it all, the ache I’d been feeling dissolving a bit. Seeing John devour the food with pleasure gave me joy.
After the meal, John got up and thanked Me, leaving to go to his post, and all alone. As soon as he left, I felt the void and ache come back full force as it was quiet once again. I got up, cleared out the dishes and headed back to the kitchen to clean up when my phone began ringing from my pocket. I sat the dishes down on the sink and went ahead to answer the call but noticed the absence of caller ID
“Hello?” I breathed out
“Regina Daniels?” a female voice asked on the other end
“Yes” this is her, who I’m I speaking with?” I asked politely not knowing who I was on with
“This is Claire calling from INTREPID coorporations, wishing to inform you that you’re application has been reviewed again and you’ve been accepted to work in our cooperation.
“Are you serious?” I stifled the the scream ready to erupt from me. I was so sure I was going to be rejected, even forgotten about the interview after giving the director a piece of my Mind. I guess I just had to say my mind, I smiled
“Yes” came Claire’s voice “So you’re hereby required to report to the office by 8:00am Monday morning
“Yes, yes” I chirped happily and I could sense her smiling on the end due to my enthusiastic reply
“Good” she replied and then dropped the call after we said goodbyes
I dropped the phone on the kitchen counter, jumping and screaming for joy
“Madam?” I stopped my happy dance as I heard banging on the front door “Everything dey fine?” came John’s worried voice
“Yes, yes, I’m sorry, you heard that?” I asked
“Yes, I dey front here”
“Okay, everything’s fine, don’t worry about it”
“Okay” he replied and I guess walked away
I went back to my cleaning, unable to hide the giggling as I finished with the dishes
“Can’t wait to tell Mary” I picked up my phone as soon as I wiped my hands dry, picturing the surprise on my friend’s face when I tell her the news, the smile still on my face.
My smile fell short when I heard the front door open and close. “Who’s there?” I asked, exiting the kitchen and walked towards the living room, but stopped when I saw Daniel standing there, his briefcase in hand, with an unreadable expression
“We need to talk” he spoke


“So you’re name is Regina Walter? He looked at me from his peripheral vision while still glancing at my résumé
“Yes Sir, I bobbed my head up and down feeling nervous sweats trickling down my temple
I submitted so many application letters and CV’s that I lost count how many to be exact in this few days whilst my husband was still away. He called just once since his travel just to say he’ll be a while. It did make me feel sad a little but I decided on focusing on getting a job instead and so far it has gone from bad to worse this been the fifth interview
“You’re twenty five years old and married? He questioned
“Yes sir, I nodded, wiping the nervous sweat from my palms on my knee length penciled skirt
“No kids? He looked up from my résumé, his eyes boring into mine
“None Sir, I shook my head vigorously
“Why? You don’t plan on having kids he dropped my file and frowned a bit
“No, I mean yes I want kids, it’s just I haven’t had one yet. I do love kids, but I’m still yet to have mine
He nodded and turned his face away from mine glancing back at my profile while I sighed mentally releasing the breath I never knew I was holding
“It says here you have no work experience”, he looked up once again as I took in the fierceness of his gaze as if saying to prove his words otherwise. I squirmed a little in my seat due to his gaze boring on mine, failing miserably at keeping calm as I had been mentally chanting in my head
“Erm, the thing is, I….I got married really early and when I finished schooling I have been a house wife since then and hadn’t worked anywhere really. I breathed out, hot sweat still trickling down my temple as I wiped it away with the back of my palm
“So, why do you want to work now he crossed his hands relaxing on his chair
I swallowed playing with the my nails nervously under the desk. “ I feel like I should help out my husband since he is the bread winner of the family and he does it all the work on his own to make sure to put food on the table. I want to show him that I can help out and be someone he can be proud of, and also be someone useful also to myself. I nodded finishing my answer mentally highfiving myself for that brilliant answer I gave, but he sat still and we shared gazes both not looking away
He turned away to his telephone and punched in some numbers and talked to someone I assumed is his secretary while my heart was beating erratically in my chest. I turned away also to glance around the office, not too big but just right enough to be called a office for someone like him. It was really a beautiful with frames of different arts and I admired his taste for the art. There are other seats apart from the one I’m sitting on but they were situated by the side of the office unlike the one I’m sitting which is directly opposite his desk. It was a mahogany desk with a plain plaque with the inscription “Director” on it which quite constrated with the cream colour paint job on the walls, but it did give it a unique blend due to the potted flowers and paintings
The door opening startled me off my thoughts and I jerked a little turning to stare at the lady that just walked in. She walked up to me and gestured from me to stand which I did and she guided me to the door and I followed. I turned to look back at him while he was busy talking away on the telephone and I stopped making the lady stop abruptly too wondering why I did such. I might as well ask anyway, I mentally sighed.
“I’m not getting the job, am I? He dropped his call after saying a quick “I’ll call you back” and turned to me not saying anything, his face unreadable and I guess I got my answer
I nodded and turned back to the door to go but turned to face him again. “ Look, I may not be the best candidate for this job, heck, I’m pretty sure i’ll encounter complications, but then again, so will every other person in my shoes. You called me back for an interview cause you obviously saw something in me and I assure you, I’m a hard worker. All I need is a chance to prove myself I pleaded but he still remained calm
“Thank you for your time, I nodded and left the office cursing my luck. This was the fifth and still no luck. I walked out the building holding my bag in one hand already tired from walking around in my stiletto heels. I looked around and saw a bench and sat lazily on it
“Arrrrrrrrgh, I screamed breathing heavily before turning around to see a gaze on me. I thought I was alone.
Embarrased, I composed myself and cleared my throat
“I’m not crazy, I turned to him, but he raised his brow in a questioning manner. “I said I’m not crazy, I repeated while he made an “o” with his mouth and nodded. “I’m just having a rough day/week I sighed and he smiled curtly and turned away.
“Are you here for a job? He turned to me and I pointed to his envelope and he nodded. “Well good luck, cause they’re going to shatter your dreams and hand you the remains while you go home and wallow in self pity wondering why you went in the first place I sobbed and felt the tears rolling down my cheek. “I’m so Sorry, I turned to my bag and started searching for a handkerchief but not seeing it and mentally cursing myself for forgetting one
I looked up and saw a handkerchief thrusted towards me and I was taken aback. “Thank you, I took it and saw the wedding band in his left hand. “Are you married? I asked wiping the tears off my now smeared mascara face. He nodded and I handed him his hankerchief but he smiled and pushed my hand back lightly. “Thanks, I smiled. “I’m married too, I showed him my own wedding band with my diamond engagement ring sitting on top of it. “Well, I’m not sure lately, it’s why I need the job, I sniffled but I don’t think I’ll be getting any anytime soon I turned away from him feeling another tears welling up. I just….just I trailed staring at passersby going about their various activities.
“I really do seem crazy now, don’t I? I chuckled not turning to look at him
I raised my head and saw a folded paper being handed to me while he turned and started walking away. I opened it and saw the words
“Hang in there
P.S I don’t think you’re crazy”
Scribbled on the paper. A small smile formed on my lips and I looked up and yelled a thank you to his retreating figure but he didn’t turn back to acknowledge me
I heaved up letting out a low breath and dusted my self up, hung my bag and started for home. I pulled out my phone to call my friend Mary, to update her on my day but it wasn’t going through. I sighed and boarded a taxi which took me home. John opened up and I saw Daniel’s car as soon as I got in. A smile graced my lips and I practically ran in to greet him
“Welcome honey, I chirped happily when I saw him but he was spotting a scowl and the smile I was wearing faltered
“Where the héll have you been? He growled angrily…


If there’s one thing I’ve grasped from my marriage is that my husband’s anger is difficult to comprehend. I sat and watched his facials turn from anger to that of pure rage
“Is it bland? He repeated again but angrier. I married you into this and you do nothing all day but lazy around. I go out all day, working my áss off to provide for this household and your family and the least you could do is cook good food but even that you can’t do? He pushed the pushed the meal away
I sat, filled with stifled anger but it dissolved to sadness by the time he finished. He has never dissed my cooking before. If anything, it was the only thing I was sure of in this house.
He continued yelling, but I blocked it all out, consumed with my own thoughts. The rumbling of thunder doing a fine job at blocking out his screams
“I’m sorry, I mumbled after he was done yelling. I’ll go make another one. I got up to pack the meal but he beat me to it.
“Sorry for yourself, he dragged his chair causing it to make a screeching sound and he exited the living room. He came out seconds later with a change of clothes and car keys in his hand and he was headed towards the door.
“Where are you going? I chased after him holding his hand. A storm is brewing, you can’t drive, it’s dangerous I begged but he pushed me aside and I landed on my butt flinching in pain from the impact. He cursed under his breath, opened the door and went out. I heard him call for John to get the gate and I rushed out after him and it was now drizzling and the cold breeze hit me again as soon as I got out.
“Honey please, come on in, it’s raining, I begged hitting on his windowpane but he revised and drove out as John opened the gate, ignoring my pleas.
Thunder rumbled and there was a downpour. I squatted crying silently,wondering where I went wrong. We were happy, we loved each other very much. We couldn’t leave without each. Where did it all go wrong I cried the rain pouring down on me. He gets angry, but he has never left at night.
I stayed under the pouring rain crying my eyes out, not minding it. It actually was comforting cause the rain was melting my burning heart and it felt some what nice as I cried without comfort
I felt the rain no longer pouring on me and looked up, but John was looking away but beside me with an umbrella in his hands covering me. His concern didn’t make me feel better but made me feel more ashamed, and I cried more. I was sad, angry, ashamed. Sad i can’t make my husband happy, angry he drove off and ashamed John had to see me like this all the time and the fears kept on flowing
I got up and headed inside after a while, drenched and shivering and John followed after me. I had a change of clothes, came back to the living room and John was still
“Madam, you dey fine, John came up to me as soon as I stepped in. I nodded and we sat and we sat in silence, my heart a bit warmed from his concern
“Are you hungry? I turned to him, after we sat we for a while
“errrrrrr he trailed, I dey fine he was gonna say but I left his words hanging when I headed to the kitchen without listening for a reply.
I brought the dish and I guess he felt bad and didn’t ask questions but ate it
“Is it good? I asked peering into his eyes and he smiled and nodded
“You’re not just saying that are you? My brows furrowed
“No madam, e sweet well well. He got up to leave but I stopped him and ran to the kitchen and poured all of it in the bowl for him. I might as well give it out than waste it, I thought
“No….madam, I dey fine, thank you
“I insist, we’re not gonna eat it anyway. He took it later after much persuasion on my side and left.
Hours later, the rain subsided and my husband came home
“I went to welcome him but got hit by the smell of alcohol. It could have been worst right? I thought as he passed out in the living room drenched..
Why is he wet? And did he drive home drunk?. I didn’t wait for an answer from him because of his state, and I didn’t think I’ll get one even if he was sober. I dragged him up with his weight crushing me. I cleaned him up and set him to bed and left his room for mine
My husband and I have been sleeping in separate rooms for years now, though it hurt at first, I’m used to it now. Been alone at home all day helped
The next morning I got up and started breakfast as usual. Few minutes later, I was done and waited for him to come down but he was taking longer than usual. Is he okay? Maybe he needs help, I walked towards his room but stopped at the door. What if he gets angry at me I thought, stood there for a while then came back down to the sitting room and sat. Some minutes later, he came down freshened up
“Good morning,I greeted and went about setting the meal
“Yea, morning he replied pressing away in his phone
“I made breakfast, I looked up and saw hm holding a travelling box in his hand.“ Are you going somewhere? I turned to look at him fully
“Yes,I have a business trip I have to attend, he turned briefly to me and then back on his phone
“Why didn’t you tell me you were going on a trip? I questioned
“Is there a problem? He pocketed his phone and turned to me
“Well, I’m you’re wife, so I thought I should know where you’re going. I whimpered
He started walking towards me and with instinct I began moving back slowly until my leg hit the table and I was trapped. He came to a stop when he was right in front of me
“Do I have to report where I’m going to you?he growled and I felt my breath caught in my throat. I shook my head in an attempt to disagree. He stared down at me for a while before backing away. My breath returned and I breathed out, relieved.
“You came home drenched last night, what happened?
“Nothing, he replied curtly
“You didn’t drive back?
“No,he replied and started pulling his box away
“Aren’t you gonna eat something before you go? I already made breakfast
“I’m not hungry, he replied without even turning to look at me, which hurt a lot
“Daniel, I called out and he stopped, turned and looked at me
“Where did it all go wrong? Fed up with everything I questioned. We were happy. But then you changed, you became this person, I gestured to him almost on the verge of tears. We told each other stuffs, I let out a sad chuckle. We do stuffs together. But now…I trailed. Now I don’t even know you anymore
“I’m gonna be late for my flight, he turned and started walking away
“Please, I begged, please tell me where I went wrong. He turned to me abruptly
“You wanna know what happened? We drifted that’s what happened. We were not that young couple we once were. He spoke and tears rolled down my cheek, but he went on
“You really wanna know what happened? You changed that’s what happened. You stopped trying
“I….I…., I stuttered unable to form words
“You were this…..this beautiful girl I married he continued. But now, you don’t even try anymore. You’re always moping around, you don’t do anything productive anymore, and you’re always to yourself he yelled the last part
“You made me that way, I protested wiping the tears away. You started coming home late, you always had different perfume smells on your shirt and lip stick stains. You get angry all the time. You never even talk to me anymore. I was lonely for Góds sake, I yelled, breathing heavily staring intently at him
We stood there for a while, no one daring to speak. “I’m leaving now. He turned opened the door, dragged his box and banged the door angrily causing me to flinch. I threw myself to the ground fighting the tears threatening to spill. I haven’t had a conversation with him in a while, and now that I have, we ended up fighting still and now he’s going on a trip for Gód knows how long
I heard him giving directions to John and then he drove out speedily causing a screeching sound and the tears came pouring


The evening was chilly and eerily calm. I walked the compound of this huge mansion as the wind blew swiftly scattering the leaves in its path. Whilst the flowers danced to the tune of the cold evening breeze
I shivered, regretting wearing only a thin piece of clothing out. Even as it was just four o’ clock in the evening, I looked up and dark clouds had covered the once clear sky. Crossing my hand on my chest, I walked down the flowery path leading to the garden. It was the only thing in this Gód forsaken place that gave me joy.
I casted my hand upon the flowers, admiring it’s beautiful pattern, even though it can barely be seen, cause of the sudden darkness, but I knew it at heart how beautiful they looked, because I made sure they looked that way. I walked on slowly caressing the flowers in my path with my hand but stopped short when I heard something drop from far behind me. I turned immediately searching for the source of the disturbance. This is my daily routine in this house and we lived alone,so the thought of someone else here with me this late is strange, as the security man is usually in his quarters or by the gate at this time
“Who’s there? I called walking slowly towards the source of the sound but was stopped due to a light blinding my sight. I squinted from the sudden brightness using one of my hand as a shield from the light
“I’m sorry madam, I no know say na you” he lowered his torchlight.
“its fine, I replied putting my hand down, my sight no longer evaded by the light
“ I think say you no go come out today, since weather no good and place dey dark. He walked up to me
“ I’m sorry, did I scare you? I looked at him
Hahahaha, he laughed. No o, I no sure say I fit scare o, because things wey my eye don see no be here o. He laughed more
“ Is that so? I snickered
“ Yes o. I don carry my eye see plenty things for this my life because of this my job. Infact the things wey I don take eye see sef don dey make my fear say they fit vex one day
“Wow, I crossed my hands, intrigued by the discovery.
I don’t really know for how long John had been our gate man for, cause when I got married in, he came with the house. He is this cheerful middle aged man, whose smile is contagious. I get to see him every morning and evening as those are the time I usually come out of the house. We don’t get to talk much except for the occasional “hellos and how are yous”
“Yes o, he continued, na so one day this spirit just see me begin dey ask me whether I don see her apple for ground wey she keep. Come see fear wey hook me, I just ignore waka comot before she vex come touch me
This was hard to believe for me, my eyes widened not really a fan of ghost stories or the existence of spirits except for the existence of Gód and hell.
“So they don’t try to harm you? I asked peering into his eyes
“No o. If you no get there time, them self no get your time, he nodded as if asserting is theory. Just then a chilly breeze blew and I shivered crossing both my hands for warmth
“Madam, cold dey catch you? He looked at my frame with concern and care in his eyes, something I haven’t seen in a while. Why you no wear something wey thick na, weather cold. You want wrapper or something, he turned to go get it I assumed but I stopped him
“No,no, I’m fine now, I dropped my hands. I think it’s refreshing now, I walked to the garden’s pavement and sat and he came and sat close to me but making sure to give reasonable space between us while we sat in silence as I gazed upon the cloudy sky
“Do you have a family? I finally broke the silence and turned to him
He was a tad bit taken aback by my question as I have never tried to strike a conversation with him, and one as personal as that, but he quickly composed himself and cleared his throat. He smiled and turned back to stare at nothing in particular while I sat staring intently at him, wondering what was going on in his mind
“ I get one daughter, he finally spoke out and brought out a photo from his pocket and handed it over to me
“Do you always carry this around, I furrowed my brows but he smiled and nodded
“She be my motivation, na him make I dey always carry am around.
I took the photo from him and saw a beautiful young girl, who looked in her late teens
“Her name na Rachel, he said and I looked up to him and then to the photo. She had his eyes I thought
“She’s beautiful, I whispered not sure if he heard or not
“ She be my pride as a man. He said and I smiled at him and looked back at the photo. Next month go make her twenty and she dey university
“How come I’ve never seen her around, I questioned looking up from the photo
“She dey stay with my mama, but now she dey school
“What about your wife, I pried, knowing fully well I’m crossing a boundary but was too curious to back out now
“She leave us when Rachel be one year old. She say she don tire, say she no fit dey suffer again with me since I no get better job, he spoke, sadness lacing his tone and a little bit of anger in between
“I’m so sorry, I handed him the photo, feeling sympathetic towards him and how he raised a child on his own
“Thank you, but I no too blame her, who go wan stay with poor, old and ugly man like me, his face contoured to one of pure sadness
“Are you kidding, you’re daughter would be so proud of you, and I don’t know about others but you’re easy in the eyes and could easily pass for a 30 year old gentleman I nudged him. And I wasn’t kidding, he looked young for his age. He smiled and I smiled right back, cause like I said he’s smile is contagious but sooner than it came, my smile disappeared and I was now spotting a sad frown and we both went back to staring away in silence
“You must think I’m pathetic right? I didn’t turn to look at him but felt his gaze boring into me
“I no think say you dey pathetic. If anything, I think say you dey strong and patient, and that na very nice quality he patted my back. I turned to look at him but tears clouded my view as they threatened to spill at the slightest blink. I just wish things go dey different he added and the tears rolled down my cheek dropping off my chin to my lap.
He raised his hand and wiped the tears with his thumb. “No cry, he said staring intently at me. I just wish say…. he trailed and looked away then back to me. He opened his mouth to say something but was interrupted by the sound of my husband’s car, honking.
“Thank you, I stood up and smiled and he did same. I better go inside now I pointed and he nodded as I went in and he ran towards the gate as my husband honked continuously lacking no patience at all. From inside I could hear John saying “Sorry sir” over and over while I shook my head and headed straight to the kitchen
“Food is ready, I called for him and he looked up from the sitting room where he was with his computer on his lap. He closed the computer, sighed and walked up to the dinning and sat while I sat opposite him. He took a morsel of semovita and dipped it in the egusi soup I served and into his mouth then swallowed. He looked up almost immediately spotting a scowl.
“Can’t you do something right for once in your life woman! He yelled
Woman? I thought, whenever he calls me that, it’s evident he’s having a bad day and it probably won’t end well if I so much as open my mouth to say a word
“Is it bland? I took a morsel, but it tasted okay. I looked up to him and saw the anger now visible in his eyes
“Is it bland? He repeated my question. Are you mad.



I didn’t know how long I’ve been sitting on the couch for. Many thoughts have been running through my head, one of which was how I met Daniel……
Her flashback
Look Mr man, I don’t care who you are but you have to pay for this. She pointed to the ground. cause you poured it
“It was an accident, the young man defended. I didn’t mean to I swear
“you think I’m joking abi? The bread seller held him in his pants and he shook vigorously to free himself from her grip but judging from his failed attempts, the lady is way stronger than her thin frame made her seem. I swear, you’re not going anywhere until you pay for these. She gestured to the breads now scattered to the ground
“Please madam, I swear i’ll pay you, just let me go
Having seen enough of the drama, I decided to jump in
“Hi, I approached them and they both turned to me. His face lit up in relieve. Judging from his expression now, I’m guessing he thinks I’ll help talk to her, when in truth, I’m just tired of the whole scene and just want them to move along as they’re in the way of my business.
“Hi, he spoke out, clearly tired of trying to pry the lady’s hands from his pant as it is clearly not working. Can you please explain to her to leave my pants and that i’ll pay her, he pleaded with me
“Madam, I turned to her, he said he’ll pay you nau, just let him go so he can settle you, plus it was an accident, it wasn’t like he did it on purpose
She turned to look at me with venom laced in her eyes. “Fine, she let go of his pants and he used his hands to try to straighten the wrinkles her grip caused. “Now gimme my money” she spat
He looked up to us and I breathed out, glad that at least she let go. But he was fidgeting with his hands in his pants not coming out. While she looked away, I walked inconspicuously to his side without her noticing or paying much attention even. “What are you waiting for? Give her the money already, I whispered
“The thing is, he cleared his throat lightly, I don’t have any money here with me. I left my wallet, he whispered back
“What? I half yelled, getting her attention back to us. She looked from me to him, her eyes widening to the fact that I’m close to him now
“Where’s my money, she opened her palm to both of us now.
Oh God, why didn’t I just mind my business,I’m an idiot, I mentally cursed. Now how I’m I gonna get of this mess with this lady now thinking I’m with him. I threw a nervous smile. How much is the money? I started going through my bag in hopes of finding some spare changes
“Two thousand naira, she deadpanned. My eyes widened and fell to the ground almost immediately. Two thousand for four,five,six loaves of bread? I counted and looked up to her in a questioning manner
“Yes, she answered, her hands still stretched out to us. I turned to him and back to my bag for a miracle money to magically pop out
“okay, here’s the thing, I whispered nudging him, while his eyes were still fixed on the lady
Hmmmm? He answered still looking at the her. I’ll give her some money, and when I say “Now, you run really fast. Understand? I murmurmed for only him to hear but didn’t wait for his reply as I brought out some cash and handed it to her and yelled Now!
Grabbing my hands, he bolted without even sparing the lady a second glance, pulling me along. We ran till we get to a quiet neighbourhood
“Stop,stop, I pulled my hand away from his and rested both hands on my laps, bending trying to ease my now racing heart. I think we lost her already I frowned up to him
“I’m sorry, he turned to me catching his breath too. Thanks by the way. I nodded and turned to find my way back home but he stopped me
I’m Daniel, he extended his hands and I shook it.
I’m Regina…..
End of flashback
A ghost of a smile appeared on my face but it soon disappeared when my phone rang
“Hello, I spoke in and my bestfriend remained silent on the other end
“Aren’t you gonna say anything? I sniffled
“I’m coming over, she hung up. Soon later the door bell rang.
“Do you think he’s cheating on me? I questioned, my head still in a bent position as it was when she got in
We have this thing, when she senses I need comfort, she comes over and try to make me feel better. We’ve been friends for 10 years and she practically knows me inside and out. Sometimes I even wonder how she puts up with me because, I am what is known as a human buzz kill. She’s all about living life to the fullest, and I on the other hand just want to stay indoors at all times. She’s fun, spontaneous and easy to talk with, while I’m the opposite of all of that and it sometimes even makes me wonder how I got married to Daniel
“Regina? She called trying to make me look up
“Tell me I’m not thinking straight and it is a lie, I pleaded, a drop of tears trailed down my chin and I wiped it off forcefully. Tell me my assumptions are crazy and it’s not true I spoke out trying to convince myself rather than telling her
“Regina? She got up from her seat and came to sit beside me. You know he loves you and wouldn’t do that to you
“Lately, I’m not sure about that, I scoffed, going back to all the things been happening lately, I highly doubt it
“its just a phase Regina, he’ll come around, you know it, he always does, she smiled trying ease me, but it wasn’t working this time
“You know, sometimes I just wish he’d hit me instead and get it over it. I looked up, the tears welling up in my eyes. I just wish he would just yell and hit me, so he would talk to me and we could go back to our lives. I tried so hard fighting the tears but the more I spoke, the more it threatened to spill
“Hey, ever wondered why he can’t hit you? Cause he loves you too much. What you guys have is what many people dream of she nudged
“I think they should come in, the dream would turn a nightmare, I chuckled wiping the tears away. But she had a point. To an outsider, we are this perfect couple, perfect life. If only they knew better. But then again, there’s no such thing as perfect
“I think I need to win him back,I spoke out after we’ve been sitting a while in silence. She whipped her head away from her phone and turned to me
“What? She frowned
“I need to win him back, I repeated calmly. I love him Janey, I don’t think I can live without him. He means the world to me. So I’m gonna make him see me as his wife again
“Okay? She sounded unsure. How are you going to do that? She finally dropped her phone which she seem to have been busy with since she got here
“I’m not sure yet. But for starters, I think I need a job, and get out of the house more. Then everything will fall into place eventually
“Regina….she trailed. I’m not sure about this, she frowned
“Why not? I looked up confused failing to see the concern in her eyes
“Well, I’m worried about you, how are you even gonna get a job? It’ll be hard and….
“I know, I cut her off, that’s why I’m gonna try. You don’t have to worry
“Are you really sure about this? She pressed on
“Of course, I’ll have to try,I nodded trying to seem sure of my plan. I gave her a smile and she pulled me close and hugged me.
“You know I’m just trying to protect you right? She said over my shoulders
“I know,and I’m glad I have you, I smiled and she pulled away
“Okay, if there’s any way I can help just tell me okay? I nodded. I have to leave now, someone’s waiting for me she tried explaining but was already arranging her handbag
“You’re boyfriend? I smirked crossing my hands while she got up and headed for the door when she was done.
“You’re crazy, she called out, almost out but turned around to look at me once more. Be careful okay?
“I will, now go before you’re boyfriend gets angry, I laughed and she shook her head, smiled and left
“I got up after she left, no longer feeling like wallowing in self pity. I think I should start now, I thought and headed in for a change of clothes already feeling giddy from my plan. How hard can it be right?



The evening was chilly and eerily calm. I walked the compound of this huge mansion as the wind blew swiftly scattering the leaves in its path. Whilst the flowers danced to the tune of the cold evening breeze
I shivered, regretting wearing only a thin piece of clothing out. Even as it was just four o’ clock in the evening, I looked up and dark clouds had covered the once clear sky. Crossing my hand on my chest, I walked down the flowery path leading to the garden. It was the only thing in this Gód forsaken place that gave me joy.
I casted my hand upon the flowers, admiring it’s beautiful pattern, even though it can barely be seen, cause of the sudden darkness, but I knew it at heart how beautiful they looked, because I made sure they looked that way. I walked on slowly caressing the flowers in my path with my hand but stopped short when I heard something drop from far behind me. I turned immediately searching for the source of the disturbance. This is my daily routine in this house and we lived alone,so the thought of someone else here with me this late is strange, as the security man is usually in his quarters or by the gate at this time
“Who’s there? I called walking slowly towards the source of the sound but was stopped due to a light blinding my sight. I squinted from the sudden brightness using one of my hand as a shield from the light
“I’m sorry madam, I no know say na you” he lowered his torchlight.
“its fine, I replied putting my hand down, my sight no longer evaded by the light
“ I think say you no go come out today, since weather no good and place dey dark. He walked up to me
“ I’m sorry, did I scare you? I looked at him
Hahahaha, he laughed. No o, I no sure say I fit scare o, because things wey my eye don see no be here o. He laughed more
“ Is that so? I snickered
“ Yes o. I don carry my eye see plenty things for this my life because of this my job. Infact the things wey I don take eye see sef don dey make my fear say they fit vex one day
“Wow, I crossed my hands, intrigued by the discovery.
I don’t really know for how long John had been our gate man for, cause when I got married in, he came with the house. He is this cheerful middle aged man, whose smile is contagious. I get to see him every morning and evening as those are the time I usually come out of the house. We don’t get to talk much except for the occasional “hellos and how are yous”
“Yes o, he continued, na so one day this spirit just see me begin dey ask me whether I don see her apple for ground wey she keep. Come see fear wey hook me, I just ignore waka comot before she vex come touch me
This was hard to believe for me, my eyes widened not really a fan of ghost stories or the existence of spirits except for the existence of Gód and hell.
“So they don’t try to harm you? I asked peering into his eyes
“No o. If you no get there time, them self no get your time, he nodded as if asserting is theory. Just then a chilly breeze blew and I shivered crossing both my hands for warmth
“Madam, cold dey catch you? He looked at my frame with concern and care in his eyes, something I haven’t seen in a while. Why you no wear something wey thick na, weather cold. You want wrapper or something, he turned to go get it I assumed but I stopped him
“No,no, I’m fine now, I dropped my hands. I think it’s refreshing now, I walked to the garden’s pavement and sat and he came and sat close to me but making sure to give reasonable space between us while we sat in silence as I gazed upon the cloudy sky
“Do you have a family? I finally broke the silence and turned to him
He was a tad bit taken aback by my question as I have never tried to strike a conversation with him, and one as personal as that, but he quickly composed himself and cleared his throat. He smiled and turned back to stare at nothing in particular while I sat staring intently at him, wondering what was going on in his mind
“ I get one daughter, he finally spoke out and brought out a photo from his pocket and handed it over to me
“Do you always carry this around, I furrowed my brows but he smiled and nodded
“She be my motivation, na him make I dey always carry am around.
I took the photo from him and saw a beautiful young girl, who looked in her late teens
“Her name na Rachel, he said and I looked up to him and then to the photo. She had his eyes I thought
“She’s beautiful, I whispered not sure if he heard or not
“ She be my pride as a man. He said and I smiled at him and looked back at the photo. Next month go make her twenty and she dey university
“How come I’ve never seen her around, I questioned looking up from the photo
“She dey stay with my mama, but now she dey school
“What about your wife, I pried, knowing fully well I’m crossing a boundary but was too curious to back out now
“She leave us when Rachel be one year old. She say she don tire, say she no fit dey suffer again with me since I no get better job, he spoke, sadness lacing his tone and a little bit of anger in between
“I’m so sorry, I handed him the photo, feeling sympathetic towards him and how he raised a child on his own
“Thank you, but I no too blame her, who go wan stay with poor, old and ugly man like me, his face contoured to one of pure sadness
“Are you kidding, you’re daughter would be so proud of you, and I don’t know about others but you’re easy in the eyes and could easily pass for a 30 year old gentleman I nudged him. And I wasn’t kidding, he looked young for his age. He smiled and I smiled right back, cause like I said he’s smile is contagious but sooner than it came, my smile disappeared and I was now spotting a sad frown and we both went back to staring away in silence
“You must think I’m pathetic right? I didn’t turn to look at him but felt his gaze boring into me
“I no think say you dey pathetic. If anything, I think say you dey strong and patient, and that na very nice quality he patted my back. I turned to look at him but tears clouded my view as they threatened to spill at the slightest blink. I just wish things go dey different he added and the tears rolled down my cheek dropping off my chin to my lap.
He raised his hand and wiped the tears with his thumb. “No cry, he said staring intently at me. I just wish say…. he trailed and looked away then back to me. He opened his mouth to say something but was interrupted by the sound of my husband’s car, honking.
“Thank you, I stood up and smiled and he did same. I better go inside now I pointed and he nodded as I went in and he ran towards the gate as my husband honked continuously lacking no patience at all. From inside I could hear John saying “Sorry sir” over and over while I shook my head and headed straight to the kitchen
“Food is ready, I called for him and he looked up from the sitting room where he was with his computer on his lap. He closed the computer, sighed and walked up to the dinning and sat while I sat opposite him. He took a morsel of semovita and dipped it in the egusi soup I served and into his mouth then swallowed. He looked up almost immediately spotting a scowl.
“Can’t you do something right for once in your life woman! He yelled
Woman? I thought, whenever he calls me that, it’s evident he’s having a bad day and it probably won’t end well if I so much as open my mouth to say a word
“Is it bland? I took a morsel, but it tasted okay. I looked up to him and saw the anger now visible in his eyes
“Is it bland? He repeated my question. Are you mad.


Image result for choice and chance
How far can you go for love? For how long can you hold on to the one you love even where it seems it is finished and it cannot work again?
This story is about a fight for love. Even after Daniel’s several attempts to frustrate and push her away, Regina keeps her decision to stay and fight to keep him. It is glaring he wants her to leave, leaving him seems to be the right thing to do to secure a better future. But she doesn’t want to leave and even after she finally leaves him, it was for a short time because she discovered they had something that could tie them together and she became determined to stay and enjoy his Love while it lasted.
Get ready to be transported through a world of different emotions as you read this story “Choices And Chances”.

Monday 30 April 2018



I’m informed you devised a way of speaking to this iron-hearted fool.
Oh, yes, yes. He blinks once for a no, and twice for a yes.
I see. Mr. Kwame Awuah. Do you see me?
Kwame Awuah blinks twice.
Can you hear me, and understand me?
Two blinks.
You saw your wife making love to your son. Today your son tried to kill you. That’s not the end. Your wife sent her other lover, a killer called Sereboe Abokyi, who is your chauffeur, to lie in wait and kill your son. She wants all your money for herself and her lover. She has been married twice, and each husband died, killed by Abokyi to make it look like an accident, just for the money, because their greed is insatiable. You married a cold-blooded killer who will use all weapons to achieve her ungodly aim. Your son was such a weapon. She never loved any of you.
The sick man blinks twice.
In one corner of the room Nana Yaw sinks slowly down to the floor, looking at the
stranger with horror.
No, no, no! That can’t be true! You liar! She loves me! Araba loves only me!
The other people in the room gasp with shock, but the stranger and Maame do not pay him any attention.
They have been captured by the police, but Sereboe died, unfortunately. This woman who has been giving you care prayed to the Lord, who brought me here as an answer to her prayer. Mr. Kwame Awuah, do you believe that the Lord can save your soul?
Tears well up in Kwame’s eyes, and he blinks rapidly.
Yes, yes, yes…
Do you accept the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour who came and died for your salvation?
Rapid blinks twice.
I’m but a mere man, and I cannot see into the heart of man! But the Lord does. I want the Lord to search your heart. If indeed you’ve repented, may He bless you, and heal. If you’re lying to me, as I believe you may be, because all your life you have hardened your heart against the Lord, may He punish you, old man!
Kwame Awuah is weeping openly now, and blinking his eyes.
He is ready!
He now believes!
Woman, take away the cables of the machines. Now! And take off his clothes. Leave his underwear on.
Trembling, Maame removed the attachments on Kwame’s body, half-expecting the doctors to stop her, but they do not.
Next she removes his pyjama tops and bottoms, leaving the multimillionaire in his boxers.
The stranger steps forward and lifts up Kwame Awuah.
He carries him to the bathroom.
The others follow, intrigued, and stand in the doorway of the bathroom watching.
Mr. Kwame Awuah, before you were born, even as a clot of blood, the Good Lord knew you. Having accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour who came to die for you, and saved you from death unto life eternal, and having decided to forsake your old ways and live the life of a righteous soul acceptable unto God, I now baptize you in the name of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit!
He drops Kwame Awuah into the water in the bathtub, immersing him completely for a moment, and then he pulls the man’s head out of the water.
Kwame Awuah is spluttering…
And then he raises his right hand and wipes water from his face!
The stranger turns away without another word as Kwame Awuah, gasping and spluttering, holds the sides of the bath and sits up.
The doctors are screaming; the nurses are whooping!
The stranger comes out of the washroom with his hands linked behind his back.
Nana Yaw, sitting on the floor, looks up at him with his face tortured and absolutely filled with remorse and deep pain.
In the washroom, Kwame is looking at a weeping Maame Akosua with large loving eyes as tears fall down his own face.
(crying happily)
Come here, Maame, you dear girl!
Maame runs to him as he stands in the bath, and he wraps his arms around her, and he loses his balance, and he crashes into the bathtub, still holding her, and dragging her into the bath.
Oh, Kwame, Kwame, Kwame!!
Thank you, my love! Oh, Maame! You’ve brought such light into my life, my love!
What did you just call me?
My love! My only love! God brought you into my life to save me, and we’re going to get married, my love!
There are cries and cheers in the bathroom.
Nana Yaw cannot stand it.
He cannot believe it!
He gets to his feet and rushes out of the ward, his guiltiness totally crushing him.
Araba is standing at the upstairs window gazing out, her face filled with tension.
What is going on?
Where is Abokyi, her love? What has gone wrong? Why can’t she reach him on the phone?
She is worried.
He should’ve been with her a long time ago!
She paces aimlessly and smokes continuously.
And then she hears the sound of an approaching car.
She stands up and gazes out of the window again.
It is the Lexus!
Abokyi is coming back!
Everything is alright!
With her heart beating with happiness, she runs out of the room and descends the stairs to meet him.
Her body is already tingling with anticipation.
The security guards have opened the gates, and the car slips through and comes to a halt in the courtyard.
She throws the front door open and runs towards the car.
The driver’s door opens…and Kwame Awuah gets out.
The happy laughter turns into a massive shock on Araba’s face, turning her face into the ugly lines of a gargoyle!
Fear, panic and shock make her arms flail, and then her eyes suddenly rolls in her head as a form of electric current rips through her body, and she collapses to the ground, her limbs going liquid, foaming at the mouth!
She has just had a massive heart attack brought about with the earth-shattering shock of seeing Kwame again.
Chief Inspector Nii Lante and another policeman emerge from the car and run towards her.
Kwame Awuah stays some distance away and watch as the police stretches her out on the ground and call for an ambulance!
Nana Yaw’s car then enters the yard, and when he sees Araba on the ground he runs forward, but when he sees that she is half-paralysed he turns away and falls down at Kwame’s feet, bawling with remorse.
Oh, father, father, father! I’m so sorry! Please forgive me, please! She is evil father! She used me! She even tried to kill me! I went to the police station and found some men called Adamu and Tawiah! They’re accomplices of Abokyi! They were going to kill me, and Araba knew about it! I’m so sorry, father! Please forgive me!! I have been such a fool!!
You will keep the hospital, boy. But as an employee, and nothing else. For the sake of your mother, I forgive you, and will not press charges against you. But, you’re no longer my son. You’re an employee now, and will receive only salaries from me. You can keep the house in East Legon, and you can keep the two cars I bought you, but that’s the end. You’re no longer my son, do you hear me? Now get the hell out of my face before I change my mind and kill you where you stand!
The ambulance arrives, and as they carry Araba away on a stretcher she turns her head, and Kwame sees that her mouth is so twisted that it is almost into her neck!
Her beauty is gone, and what is left is ugly.
Her right hand is folded up against her chest, but her left is okay.
She reaches out with her left hand to touch Kwame as tears course down her face, but Kwame moves away from her hand.
Weeping, torn, and tortured, Nana Yaw runs to his car, gets in, and drives out.
And so, Araba is admitted at the hospital her husband has just left, with a massive stroke.
And the doctor who attends to her, Nana Yaw, is no longer the owner of the hospital, but an employee!
Mr. Kwame Awuah is home again, and his workers fawn around him and embrace him with happiness and tears.
Araba didn’t recover from her stroke.
She died three weeks after admission.
Grieving, lost and totally shattered, Nana Yaw leaves the country and settles in the United Kingdom.
The kind-hearted Kwame Awuah has forgiven him, and has bought a house in London for Nana Yaw
A year and a half later, Mr. Kwame Awuah marries Maame Akosua.
He donates three of his buildings to the church she attends. He has now become a staunch member of the church, too, and has become a Christian so strong that his fire and zeal is incomparable as he uses his wealth now to advance the church of the Lord.
She gets pregnant, and gives birth through caesarean to a great boy!
She is close to sixty years, and this is deemed a most incredible miracle!
On their way back home from the hospital, their car stops at a two-lane traffic intersection.
(kissing his sleeping son)
So, you really didn’t ask that stranger his name? I want to see him again, dear. I want to give him a lot of money!
(smiling fondly)
He didn’t wait around, my love. By the time we came out of the bath he was gone. Our dear God sent him, and I’m sure that one day we’ll find him.
It is a pity, really. God used him to bless me, and bring a change to a life I thought was lost and gone forever. It is not fair. I should be able to see him again.
And then a sleek, beautiful Escalade pulls up beside their car.
Its window winds down slowly, and then the driver turns his head and looks at them.
Kwame Awuah sees him first, and he screams, startling the baby, who begins to bawl.
You startled my prince, you clumsy old man!
Kwame Awuah is trembling and pointing at the man.
See, darling see! It is the man, the stranger!
Maame leans forward and sees the stranger in the car waving to them.
Please, please, sir! Pull over! Pull over! We want to speak to you!
The stranger just smiles.
The light turns to green, and his window begins to wind up again.
No, no, no, no! Don’t go!
Stop right there, I command you!!
I don’t take orders from old imbeciles!!
The window closes, and he speeds off, leaving them staring.
Thank you! Thank you very much! My family and I thank you! May God bless you!
Maame smiles happily and takes his hand.
They are very happy.
In the Escalade the stranger removes his hat.
It is attached to the fake facial hair on his face so the beard, sideburns and moustache all come off with the hat.
He tosses it into the back.
Without the thick beard and moustache now, he is a young man with an incredibly handsome face!
Well, Lord, You did know what You were doing! I saw Kwame Awuah glowing! Obviously he has indeed become a Christian. Remind me never to doubt you again!
He is on a lonely stretch of road approaching a most beautiful house on the beach front!
Suddenly great lightning splits the air, and booming thunder reverberates all around. For a moment sky darkens and millions of stars appear in the sky, and then the sun appears again.
The young handsome man laughs and shakes his head with wonder.
He knows only he has been allowed to see that awesome display.
And he is happy, because he knows he is privileged!
Yeah, I know it! You’re an awesome God indeed!!