Monday 30 April 2018



I’m informed you devised a way of speaking to this iron-hearted fool.
Oh, yes, yes. He blinks once for a no, and twice for a yes.
I see. Mr. Kwame Awuah. Do you see me?
Kwame Awuah blinks twice.
Can you hear me, and understand me?
Two blinks.
You saw your wife making love to your son. Today your son tried to kill you. That’s not the end. Your wife sent her other lover, a killer called Sereboe Abokyi, who is your chauffeur, to lie in wait and kill your son. She wants all your money for herself and her lover. She has been married twice, and each husband died, killed by Abokyi to make it look like an accident, just for the money, because their greed is insatiable. You married a cold-blooded killer who will use all weapons to achieve her ungodly aim. Your son was such a weapon. She never loved any of you.
The sick man blinks twice.
In one corner of the room Nana Yaw sinks slowly down to the floor, looking at the
stranger with horror.
No, no, no! That can’t be true! You liar! She loves me! Araba loves only me!
The other people in the room gasp with shock, but the stranger and Maame do not pay him any attention.
They have been captured by the police, but Sereboe died, unfortunately. This woman who has been giving you care prayed to the Lord, who brought me here as an answer to her prayer. Mr. Kwame Awuah, do you believe that the Lord can save your soul?
Tears well up in Kwame’s eyes, and he blinks rapidly.
Yes, yes, yes…
Do you accept the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour who came and died for your salvation?
Rapid blinks twice.
I’m but a mere man, and I cannot see into the heart of man! But the Lord does. I want the Lord to search your heart. If indeed you’ve repented, may He bless you, and heal. If you’re lying to me, as I believe you may be, because all your life you have hardened your heart against the Lord, may He punish you, old man!
Kwame Awuah is weeping openly now, and blinking his eyes.
He is ready!
He now believes!
Woman, take away the cables of the machines. Now! And take off his clothes. Leave his underwear on.
Trembling, Maame removed the attachments on Kwame’s body, half-expecting the doctors to stop her, but they do not.
Next she removes his pyjama tops and bottoms, leaving the multimillionaire in his boxers.
The stranger steps forward and lifts up Kwame Awuah.
He carries him to the bathroom.
The others follow, intrigued, and stand in the doorway of the bathroom watching.
Mr. Kwame Awuah, before you were born, even as a clot of blood, the Good Lord knew you. Having accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour who came to die for you, and saved you from death unto life eternal, and having decided to forsake your old ways and live the life of a righteous soul acceptable unto God, I now baptize you in the name of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit!
He drops Kwame Awuah into the water in the bathtub, immersing him completely for a moment, and then he pulls the man’s head out of the water.
Kwame Awuah is spluttering…
And then he raises his right hand and wipes water from his face!
The stranger turns away without another word as Kwame Awuah, gasping and spluttering, holds the sides of the bath and sits up.
The doctors are screaming; the nurses are whooping!
The stranger comes out of the washroom with his hands linked behind his back.
Nana Yaw, sitting on the floor, looks up at him with his face tortured and absolutely filled with remorse and deep pain.
In the washroom, Kwame is looking at a weeping Maame Akosua with large loving eyes as tears fall down his own face.
(crying happily)
Come here, Maame, you dear girl!
Maame runs to him as he stands in the bath, and he wraps his arms around her, and he loses his balance, and he crashes into the bathtub, still holding her, and dragging her into the bath.
Oh, Kwame, Kwame, Kwame!!
Thank you, my love! Oh, Maame! You’ve brought such light into my life, my love!
What did you just call me?
My love! My only love! God brought you into my life to save me, and we’re going to get married, my love!
There are cries and cheers in the bathroom.
Nana Yaw cannot stand it.
He cannot believe it!
He gets to his feet and rushes out of the ward, his guiltiness totally crushing him.
Araba is standing at the upstairs window gazing out, her face filled with tension.
What is going on?
Where is Abokyi, her love? What has gone wrong? Why can’t she reach him on the phone?
She is worried.
He should’ve been with her a long time ago!
She paces aimlessly and smokes continuously.
And then she hears the sound of an approaching car.
She stands up and gazes out of the window again.
It is the Lexus!
Abokyi is coming back!
Everything is alright!
With her heart beating with happiness, she runs out of the room and descends the stairs to meet him.
Her body is already tingling with anticipation.
The security guards have opened the gates, and the car slips through and comes to a halt in the courtyard.
She throws the front door open and runs towards the car.
The driver’s door opens…and Kwame Awuah gets out.
The happy laughter turns into a massive shock on Araba’s face, turning her face into the ugly lines of a gargoyle!
Fear, panic and shock make her arms flail, and then her eyes suddenly rolls in her head as a form of electric current rips through her body, and she collapses to the ground, her limbs going liquid, foaming at the mouth!
She has just had a massive heart attack brought about with the earth-shattering shock of seeing Kwame again.
Chief Inspector Nii Lante and another policeman emerge from the car and run towards her.
Kwame Awuah stays some distance away and watch as the police stretches her out on the ground and call for an ambulance!
Nana Yaw’s car then enters the yard, and when he sees Araba on the ground he runs forward, but when he sees that she is half-paralysed he turns away and falls down at Kwame’s feet, bawling with remorse.
Oh, father, father, father! I’m so sorry! Please forgive me, please! She is evil father! She used me! She even tried to kill me! I went to the police station and found some men called Adamu and Tawiah! They’re accomplices of Abokyi! They were going to kill me, and Araba knew about it! I’m so sorry, father! Please forgive me!! I have been such a fool!!
You will keep the hospital, boy. But as an employee, and nothing else. For the sake of your mother, I forgive you, and will not press charges against you. But, you’re no longer my son. You’re an employee now, and will receive only salaries from me. You can keep the house in East Legon, and you can keep the two cars I bought you, but that’s the end. You’re no longer my son, do you hear me? Now get the hell out of my face before I change my mind and kill you where you stand!
The ambulance arrives, and as they carry Araba away on a stretcher she turns her head, and Kwame sees that her mouth is so twisted that it is almost into her neck!
Her beauty is gone, and what is left is ugly.
Her right hand is folded up against her chest, but her left is okay.
She reaches out with her left hand to touch Kwame as tears course down her face, but Kwame moves away from her hand.
Weeping, torn, and tortured, Nana Yaw runs to his car, gets in, and drives out.
And so, Araba is admitted at the hospital her husband has just left, with a massive stroke.
And the doctor who attends to her, Nana Yaw, is no longer the owner of the hospital, but an employee!
Mr. Kwame Awuah is home again, and his workers fawn around him and embrace him with happiness and tears.
Araba didn’t recover from her stroke.
She died three weeks after admission.
Grieving, lost and totally shattered, Nana Yaw leaves the country and settles in the United Kingdom.
The kind-hearted Kwame Awuah has forgiven him, and has bought a house in London for Nana Yaw
A year and a half later, Mr. Kwame Awuah marries Maame Akosua.
He donates three of his buildings to the church she attends. He has now become a staunch member of the church, too, and has become a Christian so strong that his fire and zeal is incomparable as he uses his wealth now to advance the church of the Lord.
She gets pregnant, and gives birth through caesarean to a great boy!
She is close to sixty years, and this is deemed a most incredible miracle!
On their way back home from the hospital, their car stops at a two-lane traffic intersection.
(kissing his sleeping son)
So, you really didn’t ask that stranger his name? I want to see him again, dear. I want to give him a lot of money!
(smiling fondly)
He didn’t wait around, my love. By the time we came out of the bath he was gone. Our dear God sent him, and I’m sure that one day we’ll find him.
It is a pity, really. God used him to bless me, and bring a change to a life I thought was lost and gone forever. It is not fair. I should be able to see him again.
And then a sleek, beautiful Escalade pulls up beside their car.
Its window winds down slowly, and then the driver turns his head and looks at them.
Kwame Awuah sees him first, and he screams, startling the baby, who begins to bawl.
You startled my prince, you clumsy old man!
Kwame Awuah is trembling and pointing at the man.
See, darling see! It is the man, the stranger!
Maame leans forward and sees the stranger in the car waving to them.
Please, please, sir! Pull over! Pull over! We want to speak to you!
The stranger just smiles.
The light turns to green, and his window begins to wind up again.
No, no, no, no! Don’t go!
Stop right there, I command you!!
I don’t take orders from old imbeciles!!
The window closes, and he speeds off, leaving them staring.
Thank you! Thank you very much! My family and I thank you! May God bless you!
Maame smiles happily and takes his hand.
They are very happy.
In the Escalade the stranger removes his hat.
It is attached to the fake facial hair on his face so the beard, sideburns and moustache all come off with the hat.
He tosses it into the back.
Without the thick beard and moustache now, he is a young man with an incredibly handsome face!
Well, Lord, You did know what You were doing! I saw Kwame Awuah glowing! Obviously he has indeed become a Christian. Remind me never to doubt you again!
He is on a lonely stretch of road approaching a most beautiful house on the beach front!
Suddenly great lightning splits the air, and booming thunder reverberates all around. For a moment sky darkens and millions of stars appear in the sky, and then the sun appears again.
The young handsome man laughs and shakes his head with wonder.
He knows only he has been allowed to see that awesome display.
And he is happy, because he knows he is privileged!
Yeah, I know it! You’re an awesome God indeed!!


They get ready to shoot the stranger.
But then he speaks.
You’re bleeding to death, Tawiah. Stick your hand in the earth around your feet, and the bleeding will stop.
Indeed, blood is shooting out of Tawiah’s torn fingers in wild gushes.
Terrified, he bends and puts his stumps into the earth, and then he withdraws his hand, and the bleeding has stopped, astounding all of them.
What the f***?
Kill him now!!
Abokyi Sereboe, I see the Angel of Death standing behind you! You’ve lived your life of violence from the infancy, and killed thirteen people in total. I wish I can help you, but I can’t. Alas, you’re going to die in your sins! How painful! But then, the Good Book always chastised us that he who lives by the sword eventually dies by the sword if he doesn’t change his ways.
You bastard! You f***ing bastard! Die!!
He fires his gun, and it blows up in his hands, shattering his wrists, and then one bullet flies backward and smashes into his throat.
He clutches his throat with his bloodied hands, staring with fear at the stranger, and then he falls on his back, jerks spasmodically, and remains still.
Adamu drops his gun and tries to flee, but he cannot move a limb!
He is rooted to the spot!
Tawiah also tries to run, but finds out he cannot move too.
Who’re you? Oh, who are you? Please, whoever you are, spare our lives! Please, please, spare us, sir!
Like I told your friend here, I’m a messenger of God. I called the police on my way here. They’re going to arrest you. Tell them the truth, otherwise I will come and pay you a visit, and believe me, you don’t want me paying you a visit!
Just then the thieves hear the sirens approaching, and several minutes later a police assault vehicle appears.
The vehicle comes to a halt and heavily-armed huge policemen come out with drawn guns.
One of a them, CHIEF INSPECTOR NII LANTE, walks towards the stranger with shock on his face.
You! You spoke to me! You told me that the members of the Sereboe gang are here!
I did. Those are Sereboe’s acquaintances.
And Sereboe?
He’s the one lying over there. His gun exploded in his hands and he died!
A police sergeant is standing over Abokyi’s body.
Inspector, come see! It is indeed Sereboe!
I’ll be damned!
My work here is done. I’ll be on my way then.
No, no, wait! You have to come to the station with me! There’s paperwork to be-
Sorry, but I’m not going to any station. There’s somewhere else I must go.
He gets into his beautiful and sleek Escalade, executes a tight U-turn, and then he speeds away.
They stare after him in incomprehension.
Who is that guy? How did he know the Sereboe Gang we’ve been pursuing for more than ten years is here?
There are five doctors and three nurses in Kwame Awuah’s ward.
Maame Akosua is weeping uncontrollably, and Enyonam is holding her as the doctors fuss around the patient.
Maame’s eyes are focused on Nana Yaw as he and the other doctors professionally go about their business.
She is convinced that he had something to do with the sudden multiple-organ failure of Mr. Kwame Awuah, but she has no proof.
She is determined, however, that if something bad happens to Kwame she will go to the police and lodge a formal complaint.
Suddenly the door opens.
She looks up and gasps!
There is a man standing in the doorway!
It is the bearded man she has seen in her dreams!
The black beard, sideburns and moustache!
The dark glasses. The black suit, the white tie!
The tall stranger!
Good grief! Dear sweet Jesus! It is him! It is him!
Who? Who, dear?
God’s messenger! The man I’ve been seeing in my dreams each time I fasted and prayed for Kwame’s healing!
The stranger surveys the room calmly, and then he walks inside and closes the door behind him.
He links his hands behind him and walks forward.
Nana Yaw turns from the bed and approaches him.
Who are you, sir? We have an emergency here, and visitors are not allowed now. If you’ll kindly wait outside, we’ll attend to you later.
I came to see that woman over there.
Maame Akosua rushes forward, wiping tears from her eyes.
He came to see me, sir.
You bring your private visitors here? To my father’s ward? You’re fired, woman! Get the hell out of here!
The stranger’s face hardens as he glares at Nana Yaw.
You’re alive because she is here, you fool! And she has a right to be here more than you, vermin, and you know it!
Nana Yaw is stung by the insult, and rage suffuses his face. He glares at the stranger with mounting fury.
You get out of here, mister, before I beat you up to pulp! Get out!
I’ve never been known to obey imbeciles, young man. I came here because the Lord sent me to this woman, and until the will of He who sent me is fulfilled, I’m not budging, you distasteful greedy mongrel!
Nana Yaw cannot take it any longer.
He swings a fist into the jaw of the stranger.
His right fist connects, and it feels like he has just hit his fist against a piece of hardened iron.
He screeches with raw pain as his fingers crack and break.
He takes steps back, staring at his fingers.
The three huge fingers of his right hand are twisted and broken, sending shards of pain through his whole body.
He whimpers with acute pain, holding his right hand in his left hand, his eyes dazed and clouded with pain.
There is silence in the room as all eyes turn to the stranger.
He turns his attention to Maame.
You’re really here! I saw you in my dreams! You’re really a man of God!
You have a problem. The Lord heard your prayers, and listened to you, and sent me here. What is it, woman?
Maame turns, weeping again, and goes to the bed.
She puts a hand on Kwame’s chest.
His eyes are now closed, and it is apparent that he is close to death.
Please, sir, help him. He’s suffering too much.
The stranger looks at Maame Akosua with incredulous eyes.
He walks forward slowly, and it is apparent that he is not pleased.
Him? Is this the man you prayed for?
Yes, sir! But why, you don’t sound pleased!
Because I’m not pleased! This is a man whom the Lord has blessed, and yet he doesn’t believe in the existence and sovereignty of the Lord! He makes fun of the ways of the Lord, and his utterances are a perversion of the Lord! I find him utterly distasteful!
Maame looks horrified.
But isn’t that how the Lord works sometimes? Remember Paul used to be Saul, a man who hated the Lord!
Don’t you start quoting verses to me, woman!
Nana Yaw is still moaning, making sounds of great pain.
The stranger approaches him and holds his damaged hand.
If I be a man of God, then in the name of Jesus Christ receive your healing!
He drops Nana Yaw’s hand…
Everybody stares!
The broken fingers have been restored to whole.
Nana Yaw makes terrible croaking sounds in his throat and moves away from the stranger with fear.
Dear Lord!
The other doctors and the nurse are now moving away from the bed as Kwame Awuah’s eyes open slowly.
He sees the man in the black suit, and Kwame’s eyes widen!
He remembers Maame Akosua telling him her dreams about a tall bearded man in a black suit.
The stranger turns towards the door, and with a cry Maame runs to him and falls down in front of him.
Please, sir, please, please, please! Help him, sir, please!
I thought you were in trouble, woman! I didn’t know you were only praying for that nincompoop who has denounced the Lord his whole life! He doesn’t need help! Let him die in his iniquity! He put his faith in his wealth, thinking there is no God, like a fool! If he had put his treasures in the Lord, he would’ve received tenfold riches and a thousand-fold health.
Tears drench Maame’s face as she holds the legs of the stranger.
But he believes now, please! He has repented of his sins! He’s ready to accept the Lord now! Sir, you helped his son by healing his hand!
Don’t blaspheme, woman! I have no healing powers! It is the Lord who heals!
(weeping bitterly)
I know, sir, sorry! But if the Lord used you to heal this son, then the Lord wants you to heal the father too! He’s suffering, please! His wife is cheating on him with his son, and I’m sure his son tried to kill him!
Nana Yaw gasps suddenly, his face shattering with sudden fear!
Dear Lord!
How had that witch known?
The stranger steps past Maame, still angry, and reaches for the door.
Suddenly he groans as a great expression of pain rips across his face!
He drops to one knee, gasping and holding his stomach, his face tearing apart with pain.
Father! You give me this pain because of this atheist? This man who blasphemes against Your name? It is not fair, Father!
The stranger grunts again, obviously in more pain.
Suddenly he drops on both knees and raises his hands in supplication.
He closes his eyes and speaks with pain.
I’m sorry, Father! May Your will, not mine, be done!
He remains on his feet for some time with his hands raised and his eyes closed.
And then his breathing seems to ease and he slowly gets to his feet.
He takes out a large handkerchief and dabs at the sweat on his face.
Please, what happened to you, sir?
The Lord decided to give me a stomach ache for disobeying Him. I guess I should be grateful because Jonah was in the belly of a whale for three days for disobeying the Lord of Hosts.
He walks towards the bed, and he stares down at Kwame Awuah, who is looking at the stranger with tears coursing down his face.
Maame comes to stand beside the stranger, and she speaks haltingly.
In my dream I saw you carrying-
(cutting in)
So go and fill the bathtub with water, woman.
(startled, excited)
Yes, sir! I will immediately!
She quickly runs into the bathroom and turns on the tap in the bath after plugging the hole.
She is trembling when she goes back into the ward.


Maame Akosua enters the ward in the morning.
She cleans Mr. Awuah gently, working around the machines surrounding him.
He is asleep, and she is scared.
Lately his sleeps have become prolonged, and she knows that he is gradually dying, and it is killing her because she has come to care for him so much, and suddenly his imminent death is driving terror through her.
She is sitting by his side when he opens his eyes finally and looks at her, and then he sees the concern on her face, the love, and the tears running down her cheeks.
He blinks once… no!
Why is he saying no?
It dawns on her then!
He doesn’t want her to be sad and cry.
She slowly wipes the tears from her face with a handkerchief and smiles at him.
He blinks twice… yes!
He is happy she has stopped crying.
Listen, I’m an old woman, Kwame. Fifty-five years old. I don’t have the figure of a model, and I’m certainly not as beautiful as your wife. But I have a good heart that has not been used much, okay, and that heart loves you now. I’m a Christian, and I know my Lord will help you, so don’t die! At least, don’t let those evil couple get away with what they have done to you. Last night I had the dream again about a tall, bearded gentleman in a black suit who has been sent by the Lord to help you! Please, don’t die on me!
Two blinks…
Yes, he won’t die yet.
She smiles beautifully, and just then the door opens and Nana Yaw comes in, his face sweaty and grave.
Maame stands up stiffly and looks at him with such fury that he raises his eyebrows at her.
Anything the matter? Why are you looking at me like that?
Nothing, sir. Good morning.
Nana Yaw ignores her and looks down at his father.
How’re you father? Don’t worry about anything, okay?. Very soon you will be free of all your pains!
Maame’s jaw sets with the depths of her anger.
Such hypocrisy!
Such evil!
Such wickedness!
Oh, why should God allow people like these to live free after their evil deeds?
Nana Yaw checks the Stats Card of his father and the readings from the machines. He fidgets with instruments and takes fresh readings.
Is he alright, sir?
He will be fine. Please, take this prescription and get me the items from the pharmacist.
(taking the list)
Yes, sir.
She goes out slowly with a slight frown on her face.
She does not notice that Kwame Awuah is looking at her desperately and giving her a series of single blinks…
No, no, no, no, don’t leave me alone with him!
Kwame Awuah is scared! He has seen the look of doom in his step-son’s eyes, and he knows that evil is lurking behind the façade of Nana Yaw’s caring expression.
The moment Maame goes out Nana Yaw takes the deadly ampoule and the syringe from his pocket.
He quickly breaks the neck of the ampoule, extracts the deadly fluid with the syringe, and then holds his father’s arm.
He looks up suddenly, and sees the tears falling down the sides of Kwame’s eyes.
It makes Nana Yaw tremble, and tears came into his own eyes so that he can barely see.
He quickly swabs his father’s arm, grips it for the vein to pop out, and then he inserts the syringe and depresses the plunger.
He quickly turns away and puts the whole package into his pocket.
He walks to one of the windows and stares out as tears course down his face.
He knows that he has committed murder.
He has just killed the only man who ever treated him with genuine love, the man who has given him a life, and an existence of affluence!
A man who had never held anything back from him!
The door opens and Maame comes back in.
She knows immediately that something is wrong when she sees the frantic look in Kwame’s eyes and the tears forming a wet patch on the pillow.
Nana Yaw suddenly turns away from the window and, weeping openly now, flees from the room.
Maame drops the package she is holding on a table and sits beside Kwame as tears fill her eyes.
Oh, dear, dear, dear! What did he do to you? What happened? Oh, no, no, no! Kwame, Kwame!
The machines around her are now emitting different beeps now.
Maame stands up and runs into the corridor screaming for help.
The mountain road that leads to the sprawling AWUAH RESIDENCE is a bit steep and curvy. On one side is a sheer mountain face, and on the other side is a dangerous drop to the rocks below.
The drop is protected by metal railings.
Sereboe Abokyi and his two accomplices, TAWIAH and ADAMU, have laid the trap that will lead to Nana Yaw’s death.
Sereboe and Adamu are sitting in a sleek Lexus in the most dangerous bend in the road.
Across the road, inside the bend, they have put a nail-studded stretch of rubber.
Any car coming from the bend will see the barrier too late and run over it, causing the tyres to be punctured.
They are holding guns and walkie-talkies.
Tawiah is hiding in the bushes a bit down the road, waiting for approaching cars.
If a car comes along and it is not Nana Yaw’s car, he will use the walkie-talkie to inform Abokyi and Adamu up the hill to remove the nail trap.
All three of them are heavily-armed with guns and knives.
A car suddenly appears below Tawiah, and he stands up and looks at it with his binoculars.
(speaking on the walkie-talkie)
Machine sighted. Not the target.
Damn! Who dat? Pull the nails, Adamu.
Adamu quickly rolls the slab of rubber off the road.
They wait for a while.
Huge car, still coming up.
Sure. Let it come and pass.
Tawiah can see that it is a sleek Escalade.
It is huge and black and absolutely wonderful.
He crouches lower into the bushes so that the driver will not see him.
The car passes his location, and then the brake lights flash. A moment later the car reverses slowly and stops opposite Tawiah.
The driver’s door opens, and a tall man in a black suit and white shirt steps out.
He is wearing a black fedora, and his face is overgrown with thick black beard and a moustache.
He is wearing dark sunglasses.
He walks forward and stands just directly opposite Tawiah, and he seems to be peering into the bushes.
Alright, Tawiah, come out now!
Tawiah freezes!
Fear crystallizes in his heart and panic sets in.
Who’s this man? How did he know his name?
Tawiah drops the walkie-talkie and draws out his pistol.
His face is awash with fear as he cocks the gun and stands up, pointing it at the tall, bearded man.
What the ****! Who the hell are you? Don’t mess with me! Turn around and put your hands on the hood of the car, right now!
The tall man’s hands are linked behind him, and he regards Tawiah with something close to contempt.
I don’t remember the last time I obeyed an order from an infidel!
The man just stares at him and then shakes his head.
Such a waste, Tawiah, such a waste. What happened to you? You were born into a good Christian home, but greed has led you into a most horrible trap. Your problem is that you never listen!
Shut up! Shut the **** up! Hands up, or I’ll kill you right where you stand!
Like I said, you never listen. But you better listen to this, Tawiah, and believe it. If you ever believed in anything, you should believe what I’m telling you right now. I’m a servant of God, and if you fire that gun it will take four fingers off your right hand!
Terrified, panicked, and absolutely flustered, Tawiah fires his pistol.
The gun explodes in Tawiah’s hand, severing the four fingers on his right hand, leaving only the thumb.
Tawiah stares at his bleeding hand with horror, and then he begins to scream fiercely.
From round the curve Abokyi and Adamu hears him.
What the **** is wrong with that dude?
Seems he’s in trouble. That car should’ve passed a long time ago. Come on, Adamu!
The two of them draw their guns and run down the incline, and come across the stranger and Tawiah, and see Tawiah’s bleeding hands.
They point their guns at the stranger immediately.
Tawiah sees them and screams loudly.
NO! No, don’t shoot him! He will maim you!
Abokyi and Adamu look at Tawiah uncomprehendingly.
Waste the mother****er! Kill him!


He listens to the wonderful things that Maame Akosua tells him.
Things he had really never heard nor paid heed to, and although he could not utter a word or move any part of his body except his eyelids, he feels a deep peace within his bosom, and wonders why he has lived so long in the world and shunned such good news!
How on earth had he convinced himself that God does not exist?
Indeed, he has been a very big fool, and deserves to be suffering the way he is!
And Mr. Kwame Awuah, multimillionaire and a man of his own destiny for many years, breaks down into the tears of a sinner who has seen the truth and come back home.
At the end of the fourth week Maame Akosua enters the ward with a worried look on her face.
I used this week to fast and pray for you, Kwame. And I’ve been getting very confusing responds. I’ve been having a dream, the same dream, each night. I keep seeing a tall, bearded stranger in a black suit picking you up from that bed and taking you into the bathroom where the bath is full with water, and then I will wake up! I’m so scared! I don’t know what’s happening! Does it mean you’re going to be drowned? I hope not! But why does the Lord continuously show me this dream? What should I do about it? I asked my pastor and he also doesn’t know what it means. Whatever it is, it is my fervent hope that it means healing!
Inwardly Kwame Awuah smiles, touched by the golden heart of this woman.
He has never seen a more caring woman, and he admits to himself in the darkness he finds himself, that he indeed care so much about her!
She does mean a lot to him!
And in that same night, in the sprawling, elegant and stunning mansion of Mr. Kwame Awuah, his wife and his adopted son make slow love on Mr. Awuah’s matrimonial bed.
It is a round, lovely water-bed that undulates and caresses their bodies.
Later, spent and yet inwardly troubled, they lie on the bed and make small loving talk.
Araba is lying with her head on his chest as she runs a hand slowly over his hard body.
It’s a month now, darling. You all said he would be dead long before this, but he’s still alive.
Nana Yaw sighs deeply.
I know, darling. But you must be rest assured that he is not getting out of that bed again. His whole body is poisoned. Let us allow him to enjoy his last days on earth in peace. We’ve hurt him enough.
Think, darling! I’ve been telling you this for over two years now! He’s old! His time here is done! In his new will, which I am privy to, he’s left two-thirds of his estate to you, and a third to me! Think of how happy we will be if he’s dead. The longer he lives the guiltier we’ll feel, but we have the chance to be happy together! You must think carefully, darling.
Nana Yaw stands up with a little grunt and walks to the bar.
His face is sweaty even in the air-conditioned room.
He mixes two drinks and brings one to her.
As he sips he looks over his tumbler at her.
Araba, please, don’t let me do this! I’m being torn apart with guilt already as it is!
She drinks and twirls the glass, causing the ice cubes to tinkle.
She looks at him with half-shut eyes.
You know I’m right, darling. You have to help him to die, and find his peace. Now he’s constantly under the agony of learning we had been cheating on him. Maybe he can live with my infidelity, but he can never forgive you. He took you and your mother off the streets and made you a-
(screaming with agony)
He throws his glass across the room, and it shatters against a wall.
On that wall is a portrait of his mother.
The look on her face had always been serene, but right now Nana Yaw feels that she is frowning at him with anger, bitterness and disappointment.
I know it is painful, love, but you have to do it. Tomorrow just walk in there and inject him. They have all declared that he will die, so if he dies tomorrow no one will suspect anything.
You’re asking me to commit murder! TO KILL THE ONLY MAN WHO RESPECTED MY MOM AND GAVE ME A LIFE!
I don’t care, love. All I know is that as long as he continues to draw breath, he is a danger. There are a million tales about terminally ill people who had suddenly come back to full health, confounding medical experts. Think of what can happen if your father suddenly comes out of that bed!
Why can’t you just allow him to die in peace, Araba? Please don’t turn us into monsters!
She smiles and drains her drink.
She stands up, pads to the bar and drops the glass.
She watches him as she walks back to the bed and lies down, spreading her legs slowly and cupping her breasts.
He is watching her exotic body, and he slowly comes fully erect.
He approaches and grabs her.
She arches her body into him and accepts his kiss with a grunt of her own.
He lies on his back and pulls her on top of him.
She stares down into his eyes as she straddles him and lowers herself on him, riding him hard.
He groans, grabbing her bucking buttocks and thrusting with fervour in rhythm to her gyrating body.
She leans down and kisses him, and then she nibbles his earlobe.
Tell me you’re going to do it, darling! Do this for us! So that we can have more of this! Will you do it? Are you going to do it?
Oh, yes, baby! I’ll kill him tomorrow! Oh, yes, yes, yes!! Yeeeeeeesss!!!
Nana Yaw is dressed in an impeccable suit.
He walks towards the sleek and powerful Chrysler parked in the courtyard.
Walking by his side is a beautiful Araba, dressed in black jeans and a fetching pink tank and sky blue shirt.
The servants are working around the house and so they just hug briefly as he opens the car door.
(his face haggard)
This is the day, darling. My father takes his last breath today.
I know how hard and painful this is for you, but it must be done for the sake of our love, and our happiness.
Nana Yaw nods.
Yes, love and happiness. I love you so much, Araba.
So remember the plan, my love. Don’t stay over there too long.
No, no. I won’t wait at all. I’ll inject him and come straight back home.
Yes, my love. I’ll be waiting!
She smiles sweetly and waits until he has driven out, and then she turns and begins to walk towards the main house.
MR. SEREBOE ABOKYI, the elderly chauffeur who drives Mr. Kwame Awuah, stands respectfully as Araba approaches.
He is a tall muscular man with hard eyes.
He has been employed almost two years ago by Mr. Kwame Awuah because Araba had told him Abokyi is a dead friend’s husband in need of a job to take care of four starving children.
Mr. Kwame Awuah, being the kind trusting man he is, has employed Sereboe Abokyi as his chauffeur with a very handsome salary indeed.
Hello, Mr. Sereboe.
He nods respectfully without smiling.
Good morning, madam.
Would you come inside, please? There are some errands I want you to run for me.
Certainly, madam.
He follows her into the beautiful mansion, up the ornate stairs until they enter Mr. Kwame Awuah’s study.
The moment the door closes behind them Araba gives a scream of joy and runs to a huge bed in the corner and flings herself on it, kicking her legs ecstatically.
Yes, yes, yes! We’re hitting the jackpot huge this time, sweetheart!
Sereboe smiles as he slowly unbuttons his shirt.
He’s going to finish off the old man as planned, darling?
Yes, yes! He packed the injection! Kwame Awuah should be dead by evening! He will inject his 
father with the deadly drug, and then he will come back here!
But then he won’t reach home, because me and my boys will be waiting him, and kill him, making it look like a grieving son who has lost his father driving blindly and skidding off the road and having a fatal accident on the cliffs below his residence. A double tragedy! And all the money comes to his grieving widow, Araba Awuah.
(giggling insanely)
Yes, Araba and her long-standing lover in crime, the crime boss himself, Mr. Sereboe Abokyi, who has managed to kill two of Araba’s previous husbands already and taken their money! Money, money, money, my love!
Sereboe laughs as he kicks off his shoes and steps out of his trousers.
Seems like we’ll enjoy this one for quite some time, baby! This Awuah is loaded f******!
Yes, yes, yes! And finally I’ll get rid of that bastard Nana Yaw! Damn, that fool almost spoilt the whole plan when he came back three years ago and recognized me! Yuck, and I had to put up with his silly groping and stupid dick for so long!
Naked, Sereboe approaches her with his turgid erection.
I got something for you, love! A sweet one before going to complete the final hours of Nana Yaw Awuah. I’m going to take real great delight in killing that bastard for putting his damn hands on you all those years. I know it was all because of the plan, but I’m going to mess him up!
I’m wet and ready, baby! Come and fill me up!! Hurry and make me feel your love, and then go and wait for him at the mountains and kill him when he’s coming back! Silly bastard!
Sereboe joins her on the bed, and draws her towards him.