Wednesday 8 February 2017


Text: (Genesis 4:3, Proverbs 3:9, Romans 11:16)
Minister: Dr.D.K. Olukoya (G.O. MFM Worldwide)

There is a mystery strategy from heaven that has the capacity to multiply your financial worth within days.

From heaven, there's this strange power of putting you in the right place at the right time with the right people.

I will like to introduce you to a mystery from heaven that is beyond what your education, abilities, handwriting, and career, etc can do for you.

The mystery strategy that:

1. can open any door for you from heaven

2. triggers supernatural increase
3. can make you wealthy within a single day
4. can bring restoration of everything the enemy has stolen from you
5. will definitely produce increased access
6. will open every good door closed against you
7. can make you a wonder amongst your contemporaries
8. can make men to locate you and deliver your worth into your hands.
9. has the capacity to immunize you from the wastage of the enemy
10. that can move you forward while others are stagnant
11. can bring you out of bondage and send the Lords angels ahead of you.
12. will connect you to anointing of greatness
13. has the capacity to make God the enemy of your enemies.
14. that can mysteriously enlarge your coast.
15. can bring Gods blessings upon your home
16. can bring forth the disgrace and personal enemy advances
17. can release powerful angels on your behalf that will automatically turn you into a millionaire
18. a power of healing and health
19. can break poverty, stagnancy, and reproach.
20. can cause a neck-breaking miracle

#Note: "Blessing that only you can have is not a blessing"

>>> This mystery strategy is the mystery of the "First Fruit Offering".

If you know how to do good and you're not doing it, you are a sinner.

When you partake in the First Fruit Offering, you honor God. Once you give that first fruit, the blessing of God is attached to it.

Remember in the old testament you've Christ concealed, while in the new testament we have Christ released.

Anyone who wants his storehouse to be over filled needs to take part in the #FirstFruitOffering.

>>> Hard Facts

1. The hand that gives is the hand that gathers

2. Giving is the thermometer of our love for God
3. Your uncommon sowing will always create uncommon #harvest
4. If you want to change what you are getting from God then change what you are giving.
5. God judges us by what we give, and by what we have left after giving.
6. No one has ever been honor in this life from what they receive but from what they give.
7. Givers will get while keepers will loose.
8. For everything we have is a gift from God. It's now left to you to either give for greater harvest or harbor it.

The word "give" in #Hebrew means "bikurin" - "the promise to come".

>>> When you give your First Fruit Offering:

1. God will protect your increase

2. Will provoke supernatural supplier
3. There will be a flow of abundance 
4. God will bless your household
5. Command the blessing upon your increase
6. Secure your harvest
7. He will release anointing upon your life.
8. It will attract divine increase and blessing and you will enjoy what is called divine comprehension deliverance.
9. Connect you to Gods servant and ensure that your increase will be holy.
10. He will ensure destruction, debt, lack, bondage, poverty will travel away from you.

It pays to share the word of God to all!

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