Sunday 9 April 2017


Episode 14
Daniel and I continued our routine calls. Along the line I got to know some things about him. Mr Paul do call me too, to ask after my well being, he’s very friendly. He relate with me as if we’ve known each other for ages. I was happy to have this two great guys in my life.
Few weeks later, Daniel stopped calling, he’s not online also, I was really worried for him, I just hope he's fine.
I decided to give him a call at least for someone who calls almost everyday and stooped suddenly, I think courtesy demand I check on him.
I called all his two lines, but none was going through. I thought of Mr Paul "he would have more information on him". I dialed his number
“Hello, Mr Paul"
“Hello dear, how are you today?"
“Mr Paul I’m good, please….
“I know why you’re calling, I tried calling him countless times but all his lines are not going through.
“What do you suggest we do now, I don’t know I have a feeling that something is wrong. He can’t just abandoned everything he’s spent money on here and then disappear into thin air”
i said
“I’ve sent mails, which he did not reply. I even tried to contact his company in America just to get hold of him but all my efforts on reaching him proofed abortive”
"What are we going to do now?" I asked Mr Paul
My cousin is leaving east Africa for the state next week, I think he would help us contact him”
“Next week!"
he called out
“I don’t mind if he doesn’t come back, I just pray his safe, he could decide to stay back but I want to hear that he’s safe”
“See! Just relax, let’s pray for him”
“I’ve been doing that for weeks now”
“Then let’s leave things to God. You know what I can see you are very tensed, can we go out, maybe to the cinema?”
“Is that a date?”
“Lets not call it a date, I just want to make you relax”
“Ok, cinema it is then?
“Good, I’ll pick you up tomorrow, 7pm”
“Alright then, see you tomorrow “
“Have a lovely night rest”
“You too, good night”
He picked me up the next day and we went to the cinemas. He said he’ll be the one to pick the movie to watch.
"No problem as long as its not a crime or horror movie that’s the last thing I need right now"
We saw a romantic comedy, the movie was so hilarious, I almost spilled my drink on my body. In fact I had to handover my drink and popcorn to him.
“I think I succeeded in making you laugh” he said after the movie ended.
“Yes, I really enjoyed myself” I said all smiling.
“I can see that, we can do this again, if you don’t mind”
“I don’t mind at all, I had fun. Thanks so much”
Lets take you home, it’s getting late”
We strolled down to the parking lot, some minutes later we are out of the place.
On our way home, I thought of Daniel, I really miss his voice.
“A penny for your thought”
I just smiled sheepily
“Daniel right!”
“I know I just meet him and we are just friends, but Daniel he’s just so good that I pray everyday for him that no harm should come his ways”
“Next week is just around the corner dear, let's wait till then”
“Thanks, I really enjoyed myself, I’m sorry I brought this up again”
“It’s OK, I understand and I appreciate your concern, a lady like you is rare”
He parked in front of my house.
“Thank you, I’m really relieved, thanks for the treat”
“Its nothing, just take care of yourself, call and let me know if you need anything”
“OK, thanks. Good night and drive safe.
“ I will good night”
I alighted, he reversed and zoom off.
He called the following week and gave me the news, the news wasn’t pleasing at all. “God please intervene” I prayed silently

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