Sunday 26 March 2017

WRONG NUMBER Episode 13*

On our way home, Mr Paul and I were chatting while driving, when he suddenly changed the topic.
“You are a Christian right? He asked
“Yes I am” I replied
“I’m sorry, but what I’m about to say may sound like I’m intruding…”
“Mr Paul, feel free to say whatever you want to say”
“Miss Daniella, once again I’m sorry for intruding…”
“Intrude, you have my permission” I said
“I think you should start praying about him”
“About who?” I asked
“Mr Daniel” he replied
“You are still talking in parables Mr Paul”
“I think he really likes you, I’m a man and I know when a man likes a woman, I can see it in his eyes that he likes you”
“How can I start praying about someone I just met?”
“I know you just met, but that did not change the fact that he likes you. Anytime I’m with him in the hotel, he only talks about two things, work and you”
“He talks about me?”
“He did not tell me he likes you or something but there’s a way your name always come up in all our conversations”
“I advice you start praying now, because one thing is sure, he would like to be with you when he comes back finally to Nigeria”
“Did he tell you he has a girlfriend in the state?” I asked Mr Paul
“Yes and she already broke up with her” he replied
“What if she decides to come back with him”
“We are not sure of that, but from what he said, I think the lady had made up her mind”
“Thanks for the advice, I’ll think about it”
Some minutes later, he pulled over in front of my house, I alighted and thanked him. He promise to keep in touch.
I got into the house, I met my Parent in the sitting room, I already informed them before I left the house earlier that I want to see a friend off to the airport. I greeted them, they ask about my friend and I answered them. I got to my room and took my bath and change to my night wear.
I lay on my bed and thought about everything Mr Paul said. I know I don’t need a sooth sayer to tell me that Daniel likes me and I like him too. My only concerns is that we don’t really know each other and of course he has a girlfriend and there’s all possibility that she can come back with him.
I said my prayers before I slept, I also prayed for Daniel safe trip too. While praying I remembered what Mr Paul said.
“Lord, let thy will be done” I muttered before sleeping.
I woke up around 5am, I had my quiet time. I was about rounding up when I heard my mom called my name, it was time for devotion. I was on my way to the sitting room to join the rest of the family for morning devotion when I heard my phone ringing.
It was Daniel, we exchanged greetungs. He told me he’s now in New York.
“Good to hear, thank God for safe trip” I said
“Pamilerin” my mummy called out.
“I can hear someone calling you “ he said
“It’s my mom, its time for Family devotion, I have to go now” I informed him.
“I’ll call back later” he said and hung up.
He called back in the evening, we talked at length. He told me how much he missed me and Mr Paul but he missed me more. He even said his family members said he has changed ever since he came back.
“Change how?” I asked him.
“They said my countenance changed ever since I came back from Nigeria”
“I told them I’m happy about my IT Firm that is kicking off soon, but my younger sister insisted there’s more to it. And of a truth there’s more to it”
“There’s more to it?”
“What did you now tell them” I asked
“I told them about you of course” he replied
“Me! What did you tell them about me?”
“Don’t worry, I’ll tell you what I told them later, but trust me its not something bad”
“You can’t be serious, I need to know what you told them”
“Don’t sweat it, I won’t tell you now, I will tell you later”
“OK, if you insist”
I want to end this call now, let’s talk on Skype, I’ve missed that pretty face, its that OK with you?”
“Yes, it’s OK”
He ended the call, called backed on skype and we continue our talk via video call.
“I want to hear your voice and see this face everyday till I come back to Nigeria, will you oblige me?” he asked
“Everyday? You are funny”
“I’m not joking, I’m serious here, just give me the go ahead”
“Mr Daniel, we barely know each other, what could we possibly be discussing everyday”
“I thought we’ve pass that stage Miss Daniella” he said calmly.
“Still we can still over rule the fact that we just met”
“That’s why I’m doing all this, I want to know you, I want us to know each other better”
“It’s OK, but….
“What’s the but again?”
“Let’s make the video calls on weekends”
“If that’s what you want, its OK by me” he said.
“One more thing let’s drop this “Mr” and “Miss” thing, just call me Daniel “ he said
“Just call me Daniella too” I said and we both laughed.
Some minutes later we ended the video call.
I think he likes me but I must thread carefully, considering where I’m coming from. More so, he has a girlfriend in the states, who can decide to change her mind and come back with me. I decided not to raise my hope or have any expectations.

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