Sunday 26 March 2017

WRONG NUMBER Episode 13*

On our way home, Mr Paul and I were chatting while driving, when he suddenly changed the topic.
“You are a Christian right? He asked
“Yes I am” I replied
“I’m sorry, but what I’m about to say may sound like I’m intruding…”
“Mr Paul, feel free to say whatever you want to say”
“Miss Daniella, once again I’m sorry for intruding…”
“Intrude, you have my permission” I said
“I think you should start praying about him”
“About who?” I asked
“Mr Daniel” he replied
“You are still talking in parables Mr Paul”
“I think he really likes you, I’m a man and I know when a man likes a woman, I can see it in his eyes that he likes you”
“How can I start praying about someone I just met?”
“I know you just met, but that did not change the fact that he likes you. Anytime I’m with him in the hotel, he only talks about two things, work and you”
“He talks about me?”
“He did not tell me he likes you or something but there’s a way your name always come up in all our conversations”
“I advice you start praying now, because one thing is sure, he would like to be with you when he comes back finally to Nigeria”
“Did he tell you he has a girlfriend in the state?” I asked Mr Paul
“Yes and she already broke up with her” he replied
“What if she decides to come back with him”
“We are not sure of that, but from what he said, I think the lady had made up her mind”
“Thanks for the advice, I’ll think about it”
Some minutes later, he pulled over in front of my house, I alighted and thanked him. He promise to keep in touch.
I got into the house, I met my Parent in the sitting room, I already informed them before I left the house earlier that I want to see a friend off to the airport. I greeted them, they ask about my friend and I answered them. I got to my room and took my bath and change to my night wear.
I lay on my bed and thought about everything Mr Paul said. I know I don’t need a sooth sayer to tell me that Daniel likes me and I like him too. My only concerns is that we don’t really know each other and of course he has a girlfriend and there’s all possibility that she can come back with him.
I said my prayers before I slept, I also prayed for Daniel safe trip too. While praying I remembered what Mr Paul said.
“Lord, let thy will be done” I muttered before sleeping.
I woke up around 5am, I had my quiet time. I was about rounding up when I heard my mom called my name, it was time for devotion. I was on my way to the sitting room to join the rest of the family for morning devotion when I heard my phone ringing.
It was Daniel, we exchanged greetungs. He told me he’s now in New York.
“Good to hear, thank God for safe trip” I said
“Pamilerin” my mummy called out.
“I can hear someone calling you “ he said
“It’s my mom, its time for Family devotion, I have to go now” I informed him.
“I’ll call back later” he said and hung up.
He called back in the evening, we talked at length. He told me how much he missed me and Mr Paul but he missed me more. He even said his family members said he has changed ever since he came back.
“Change how?” I asked him.
“They said my countenance changed ever since I came back from Nigeria”
“I told them I’m happy about my IT Firm that is kicking off soon, but my younger sister insisted there’s more to it. And of a truth there’s more to it”
“There’s more to it?”
“What did you now tell them” I asked
“I told them about you of course” he replied
“Me! What did you tell them about me?”
“Don’t worry, I’ll tell you what I told them later, but trust me its not something bad”
“You can’t be serious, I need to know what you told them”
“Don’t sweat it, I won’t tell you now, I will tell you later”
“OK, if you insist”
I want to end this call now, let’s talk on Skype, I’ve missed that pretty face, its that OK with you?”
“Yes, it’s OK”
He ended the call, called backed on skype and we continue our talk via video call.
“I want to hear your voice and see this face everyday till I come back to Nigeria, will you oblige me?” he asked
“Everyday? You are funny”
“I’m not joking, I’m serious here, just give me the go ahead”
“Mr Daniel, we barely know each other, what could we possibly be discussing everyday”
“I thought we’ve pass that stage Miss Daniella” he said calmly.
“Still we can still over rule the fact that we just met”
“That’s why I’m doing all this, I want to know you, I want us to know each other better”
“It’s OK, but….
“What’s the but again?”
“Let’s make the video calls on weekends”
“If that’s what you want, its OK by me” he said.
“One more thing let’s drop this “Mr” and “Miss” thing, just call me Daniel “ he said
“Just call me Daniella too” I said and we both laughed.
Some minutes later we ended the video call.
I think he likes me but I must thread carefully, considering where I’m coming from. More so, he has a girlfriend in the states, who can decide to change her mind and come back with me. I decided not to raise my hope or have any expectations.

Wrong Number* *Episode 12

Days later, I got a call from him.
“You know I’m travelling next weekend and I really wish we could meet one more time before I leave” he said
“Is that really necessary, we can talk on phone” I said
“Daniella, I really had a nice time the other day can you please oblige me?”
“I told you I’m always busy during the week, there’s no way I can meet up with you”
“Are you saying I won’t get to see you before leaving?”
“When exactly are you leaving?”
“On Saturday”
“Ok, let’s do it this way, we could meet on Saturday at the Airport and keep you company until your flight is ready to take off”
“That idea is not bad, I’m happy you’ll be the last person I’ll see before I leave but I would have loved it if we meet before then” he said.
“Sorry about that”
“Promise me you’ll find time to chat with me everyday online before saturday”
“Good, thanks”
“We’ll see on Saturday”
“Saturday it is then, good night and sleep tight”
“Good night” I said and the line went off.
Seriously, I don’t trust all this America based Nigerian guys, some just come down to Nigeria and trick girls, some will even claim single when they are happily married with kids over there. But there’s something about Daniel that seems different. He sounds honest, sincere and I think he’s transparent. You can read him like a book. I feel safe with him as a friend.
During the week, we chatted online, I don’t know why but I feel free with him, we talked about so many things via chat. He also made it a point of duty to call everyday during the week.
On Saturday, I left my house for Muritala Mohammed Airport. I called him when I got there and he told me where to meet him.
He was so happy when he saw me, Mr Paul was with him too. He hugged me, I greeted Mr Paul when he released me.
“Looking beautiful as ever”
“Thanks, you are not looking bad yourself” I said shyly
We sat at the departure, Mr Paul got us some light refreshments.
“I’m coming back next month by God’s grace” he said
“Are you coming back finally” I asked
“Yes, my IT company is kicking off next month, we’ve succeeded in putting everything in place, thanks to God and off course Mr Paul has been of great help”
“That’s nice, I’m happy for you. Thank you Mr Paul” I said facing him.
“Thank God, I’m glad everything turned out well too”
I got to know that Mr Paul owns one of the most prominent IT firm in Lagos
“Daniella! I already told Mr Paul to get me an accommodation before I come back so I won’t have to stay in the hotel when I return” Daniel explained.
“That’s good, you already have everything planned out” I said.
We all continue chatting, Mr Paul asked for my number and we both exchanged numbers. He also gave me his complimentary card.
By 7pm, the public address system announced his flight.
“I guess it’s goodbye” I said
“Yes, and I’m going to miss you and Mr Paul. You guys really made my stay in Nigeria worthwhile”
“I think you’ll miss Mr Paul more, since you c b always together since you came to Nigeria. This is my second time of setting my eyes on you “ I said
“You think so, I don’t feel like we just met, I felt like I’ve known you since forever” Daniel countered
“Really! If that’s the case don’t miss me too much then” I said playfully.
“I’ll try not to, he said holding my cheek gently with his hands”
“It’s time to go” Mr Paul announced
“Mr Paul can you please help me take her home” Daniel requested.
“Sure I will” Mr Paul replied him.
Daniel hugged me and whispered slowly into my ears “I will be back”
“I’ll be expecting you” I whispered into his ears too.


Daniel called on Friday evening, I told him our meeting place, he said Mr Paul will bring him.
“See you tomorrow then” I said
“Good night Miss Daniella”
“Good night Mr Daniel”
I woke up on Saturday morning and I realized my mind was at ease. I checked my wardrobe and I pick a simple royal blue gown. Took my bath, dressed up with silver accessories to match. I styled my hair and wore little make up. I think I’m good to go” I said checking out myself in front of the mirror.
I just told my Mum that I want to see a friend, but I explained everything to my younger sister and with this I left the house.
When I got to the restaurant I called him and he said he was already there so I went in still talking to him on phone so that I could easily locate him. He got the idea and waved when he saw me on phone. I moved towards his table. Another man was with him, I guessed he’s Mr Paul.
“Miss Daniella! He said and smiled
“Mr Daniel!” I said and smiled back.
“Meet Mr Paul”
“I thought as much” I said and exchanged greetings with him.
“Let me take my leave now. I have a friend around here, I want to cease this opportunity to check on him” Mr Paul explained.
“Alright then”
“Give me a call when you are through” he said to Daniel and left.
He pulled out a sit for me. I sat opposite him.
“Wow! He exclaimed. A good heart with a beautiful face. I was sure I’m gonna meet a beautiful lady but I never knew you’re going to be this beautiful.
“Mr Daniel!”
“I’m sorry for over reacting, he pleaded. But you are breathtakingly beautiful”
“Thanks for the compliment “ I said with a smile.
We placed our orders and we started chatting. I scanned him why we were eating, he’s handsome and indeed looked like someone who lived in the state, fresh skin, nice nails, lovely hair cut. He looks perfect.
“Tell me about you” he said
I told him everything I think he should know about me.
“A beautiful lady like you will definitely be in a relationship, I envy the lucky guy I must confess”
“A handsome man like you will definitely be in a relationship too” I countered
“Oh! Smart move! I can see you are very smart Miss”
I smiled and sipped my drink.
“Don’t you want to know anything about me?” he asked
“I’m all ears if you want to tell me about yourself”
“Alright, I’ll tell you. Like I said earlier, I’m a Nigerian, I’m Yoruba, Ekiti state to be premised but I was born and raised in the US. My Parents and my sibling are also in the state.
My name is Daniel Ayomiposi Johnson.
I work in an IT company in America. But I’ve always wanted to come back home. A friend of mine in the State introduced me to some of his client here in Nigeria. Now I’m here to start my own IT firm fully.
Mr Paul is my friend's cousin who shows me around here since I don’t have family members or friends here. He runs an IT firm. My extended family members are in Ekiti.
As for my relationship status, my girlfriend broke up with me, when I told her about my plans of coming back to Nigeria. Although she’s Nigerian but she said she can’t leave the state” He stated.
“I can’t really blame her, she can’t just leave her life over there and follow you down here” I said
“Don’t you feel If she really loves me as she claims, she will come with me?”
“She may have her reasons, it’s her life and the report people in abroad gets from here is not that encouraging, so don’t blame her”
“Even if I want to change my mind about staying, I think meeting you won’t let me change my mind” he said with a straight face.
“You can’t say that, we barely know each other”
“I’m serious, if I have someone like you here, then I’m good”
“Hmm. Do you understand yoruba language at all?”
“I understand Yoruba and I speak it as well, although not fluently”
“Yeah! My paternal grandma lived with us for 25years, so she made us speak our language. She passed away Five years ago”
“Wow, she did a great job! May her soul rest in peace.
“Amen, thanks” he said and sipped his drinks.
“Tell me about the lucky guy” he said.
“There’s nothing to tell”
“I just want to know, but you can choose not to answer that”
“I’m not in a relationship” I opened up.
“I should not have believed that but I have a feeling that you are saying the truth”
I explained everything about my ex boyfriend to him.
“You know what, some people don’t know the worth of what they have until they loose. I’m sorry”
“I’m over him, I’ve moved on” I said and we continued with our chat.
He asked for my username on Facebook, he sent me a friend request right there and I accepted his friend's request.
He was fun to be with, very jovial, I spend like two hours with him.
“I think we should call it a day, your hotel is on the Island and I’m sure you wouldn’t like to be stuck in traffic” I said
He agreed with me and called Mr Paul's number, he said he’s not too far away from the eatery. 15minutes later, Mr Paul showed up.
Daniel offered to drop me off but I turned down his offer since my house is not too far from the restaurant.
I got home and called him, hoping they’ll won’t be stuck in traffic.
“Hello, are you home?” he asked
“Yes I’m home”
“Good, we are still on the road, you are right, traffic here is terrible”
“Welcome to Lagos” I said jokingly.
“Sure, I’ll survive. Anyway I’ll let you know when I get to my hotel”
“Alright, my regards to Mr Paul”
“Ok, Later”
Two hours later, he called and told me he’s now at the hotel and Mr Paul has left for his house. He also thanked me for hanging out with him


Weeks later, After school hours I was busy attending to one of my student that I coach privately, he called my attention to my phone.
“You have a call ma”
“Thanks” I said and picked the call.
“Hello Daniella!” the voice said, I was surprised, just few people knew me by that name.
“Hello, who I’m I speaking with”
“This is Daniel” the voice said.
I did not reply immediately trying to figure out the voice.
“ I called last month from US….wrong number….do you now remember now” he asked
“Oh! My bad, I think I now remember you”
“Thanks for the other time Daniella, your suggestions really worked, I got Mr Paul’s phone number from his Facebook account, it’s just the last two digits that is different from yours.
“You are welcome, it’s nothing, I’m glad the idea worked. But this no is not an international no” I said.
“I’ve been in Nigeria for the past one month, you know I told you I’m coming on a business trip and it has really been hectic. I should have called earlier, I’m sorry”
“You don’t need to be sorry, I’m even surprised that you called, I told you earlier, its nothing”
“You think what you did for me is nothing, but to me it meant a lot. You taking your time to talk to me that very day as if we know each other is something that is not common nowadays, so I appreciate your kind gesture.
“Ok, let’s just thank God”
“I’m going back to the state next week, I’m through with the business deal and I want to ask if we could meet, at least let me see the face of this lady with a good heart” Daniel pleaded.
“Good heart you say!” I laughed. You know what you don’t need to do that, although I like the fact that you appreciate little things but seriously it’s okay. Just enjoy your stay here in Nigeria before going back to the US
“Please, please, please….. don’t hang up, I don’t mean any harm, I just want to know you, who knows you might be of help to me, you can even show me around Lagos. You know I have nobody here except Mr Paul”
“OK if you insist, but I’ll be the one to pick our meeting place” I specified
“I’m good with that, so can I see you tomorrow” Daniel asked
“I’m only free on Saturday” I replied
“Alright then I’ll call back on Friday so you can tell me where to meet you. Even if I can’t locate the place, Mr Paul will assist me.
“Alright, bye”
“Bye, I’ll talk to you on Friday” he said and ended the call.
I saved the number, but I was worried. We live in a wicked world, where you can’t even trust your own relative not to talk of a stranger.
I was scared, I’ve never done this before, I mean meeting a complete stranger. Although he sounded like a good person. I decided to sleep over it, if my heart tells me to go, I will, if it says otherwise, I won’t go.
I know the post is short, I'm sorry. I promise

Sunday 19 March 2017


When someone hurts you, you learn to be stronger…..When someone leaves you, you learn to be independent #
After my break up with Tunde, I kept myself busy with work and Church activities. I don’t party or club but I make sure I use my free time to engage myself in things that makes me happy. I fed my soul with good music. Yes music is food for the soul.
Sincerely I enjoyed my single status, I was free, I don’t owe anyone any explanation for my life, I do things my way and I buy less recharge card. I know how much I spend on recharge cards when I was dating.
My Parents were very happy because I was happy. My Daddy called me once and told me “I never knew you are this strong, I’m proud of you”
He actually said this after My cousin’s wedding. My cousin got married to her Price charming, her wedding was awesome. I was there for her all through.
I just told him “Daddy, the Joy of the Lord is my strength.
What doesn’t kill you, make you stronger.
Five months later, I was in my room relaxing after doing my chores. I was about to see a movie on my laptop when I heard my phone ring, I looked around for my phone then I noticed the sound is coming from the bathroom.
I remembered I left it there when I washing. My Mom always warn me not to take my phone to the bathroom, but I love listening to music when washing or doing other chores.
In my Mummy’s voice “The day that phone will drop inside water, ehn. Thank God you are working, you know how easy it is to earn money”
I rushed into the bathroom to pick my phone. I checked the caller Id it was an international number, I was wondering who it was, although I have few friends abroad, but we only communicate via social media platforms, we rarely talk on phone.
“Hello” I replied, please who is this?
“This is Daniel on the line calling from America, please I’d like to speak with Mr Paul” he said in American accent.
“Sorry, this is a wrong number” I informed him.
“Wrong number? He said from the other end. Please hold on while I checked the number again.
“I just rechecked this is the number I was given” he said
“Well, I’m sorry this is my line and obviously I’m not Mr Paul”
I expected him to end the call but he did not, I suspected he’s some how disappointed.
“Oh…my… goodness” he said stressing each word.
Any problem” I asked just feeling concerned.
“I’m coming to Nigeria on a business trip tomorrow and he’s suppose to help me settle down and show me around. Mr Paul is a cousin to a friend of mine whom I can’t even reach right now. He’s busy with his project somewhere in East Africa and I can’t reach him over there too” he explained.
“Sorry about that, I said. Do you know his email address, if you do then you can mail him”
“Yes I have sent numerous mails to him, I called this line because he did not reply any of my mails”
“Ok let’s try it this way, use his email address to search for him on facebook, then maybe you can be lucky to get his mobile no or other information about him on facebook” I suggested.
“You are a life saver, you know I never thought of that,I was so anxious to get through to him, I couldn’t think straight. That was a good suggestion, thanks for your time. Despite the fact that I’m a stranger, you still took your time to find me a solution. Thanks I appreciate it. What’s the name” he asked
“Pamilerin, but if you can’t pronounce that you can call me Daniella”
Of course I can, I’m Nigerian and I’m yoruba but I’ll prefer Daniella since my name is Daniel” he said jokingly. Thanks for your help”
“You are welcome”
Thanks once again and have a great weekend.
“You too, bye” I replied, then the line went off.

To be continued...........