Sunday 26 March 2017


Weeks later, After school hours I was busy attending to one of my student that I coach privately, he called my attention to my phone.
“You have a call ma”
“Thanks” I said and picked the call.
“Hello Daniella!” the voice said, I was surprised, just few people knew me by that name.
“Hello, who I’m I speaking with”
“This is Daniel” the voice said.
I did not reply immediately trying to figure out the voice.
“ I called last month from US….wrong number….do you now remember now” he asked
“Oh! My bad, I think I now remember you”
“Thanks for the other time Daniella, your suggestions really worked, I got Mr Paul’s phone number from his Facebook account, it’s just the last two digits that is different from yours.
“You are welcome, it’s nothing, I’m glad the idea worked. But this no is not an international no” I said.
“I’ve been in Nigeria for the past one month, you know I told you I’m coming on a business trip and it has really been hectic. I should have called earlier, I’m sorry”
“You don’t need to be sorry, I’m even surprised that you called, I told you earlier, its nothing”
“You think what you did for me is nothing, but to me it meant a lot. You taking your time to talk to me that very day as if we know each other is something that is not common nowadays, so I appreciate your kind gesture.
“Ok, let’s just thank God”
“I’m going back to the state next week, I’m through with the business deal and I want to ask if we could meet, at least let me see the face of this lady with a good heart” Daniel pleaded.
“Good heart you say!” I laughed. You know what you don’t need to do that, although I like the fact that you appreciate little things but seriously it’s okay. Just enjoy your stay here in Nigeria before going back to the US
“Please, please, please….. don’t hang up, I don’t mean any harm, I just want to know you, who knows you might be of help to me, you can even show me around Lagos. You know I have nobody here except Mr Paul”
“OK if you insist, but I’ll be the one to pick our meeting place” I specified
“I’m good with that, so can I see you tomorrow” Daniel asked
“I’m only free on Saturday” I replied
“Alright then I’ll call back on Friday so you can tell me where to meet you. Even if I can’t locate the place, Mr Paul will assist me.
“Alright, bye”
“Bye, I’ll talk to you on Friday” he said and ended the call.
I saved the number, but I was worried. We live in a wicked world, where you can’t even trust your own relative not to talk of a stranger.
I was scared, I’ve never done this before, I mean meeting a complete stranger. Although he sounded like a good person. I decided to sleep over it, if my heart tells me to go, I will, if it says otherwise, I won’t go.
I know the post is short, I'm sorry. I promise

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