Sunday 12 March 2017

Wrong Number-* *Episode 5

After youth service I tried so hard to get a job but to no avail, then I resolved to teaching.
I got a teaching job in a private secondary school in Lagos where I was been paid #20,000 has salary. Luckily for me I had some students I coach privately.
The school is trekable from my house, so I don’t get to use up all my salary on transport. Also because I stay with my parent, my feeding too was covered.
Tunde got a job in a private firm where he’s been paid #40,000 monthly salary. We still both search for better offer by applying for jobs online, with the hope of getting a bigger paying job. We plan to settle down when we get a better offer.
All of a sudden, I noticed Tunde stopped calling, unlike before when he calls at least twice a day.
I now do the calling, he act so cold on phone. I ask him what the problem was and he said it’s work, that he use to come back late and tired and just go straight to bed.
I was worried sick, wandering what was going on because the Tunde I use to know won’t go to bed without saying good night to me.
My house is very far from his, so I can only go to his place on weekends. I called one of the weekends to inform him that I’m coming and he said he now goes to work on Saturdays.
Some weeks later, I got a call from him, I was surprised. “Tunde remembered me today. Maybe he has realized his mistakes” I thought. So I picked the call.
"Hello, how are you?”
“I’m good” I replied
Babe! see I’m sorry for this past days have been very busy, work is hectic and I just hope you understand”
“I don’t understand, Tunde you are not the only one working, why you allow your so called work to get in the way of our relationship is what I don’t get” I stated.
“See I’m very sorry….
“Tunde hear yourself, so you are so busy that you can’t make a 30secs call, I’m not even asking you to call but at least you should pick mine if you can’t make the call”
“Pamilerin I know I’ve taken it too far but I promise to make it up to you” he pleaded.
I couldn’t believe my ears, so he could apologize to me. “ its OK, just promise you’ll always find time for us, even in your busy schedules.
“I promise babe, are we good now”
“Yes we are” I smiled. At last he has come back to his senses.
“Can you come over on Saturday, I’ve missed you”
“Are you not going to work?”
“No, I’m free this Saturday”
He’s sudden change of attitude still baffles me, is he playing pranks on me or something?” I wondered.
“Hello, are you still there” his voice brought me out of reverie.
“I’m here, I’ll come on Saturday”
“Good, that’s my girl. See you on Saturday then. I love you
He has hurt my feeling repeatedly, that I can’t even tell if I still love him or not.
“I love you too”I replied
I was at his place on Saturday. I cooked for him, he ate. After eating, he started making sexual advances at me.
“Tunde! I’m not here for this, what we need now is not se.x. I think we should talk”
“Talk about what again”
“Tunde what do you take me for, a door mat?”
“Where is that coming from now”
“We are drifting apart,I don’t know if you feel what I’m feeling”
“See there’s nothing to talk about we are fine”
Before I could say jack, he was all over me. At first I did not respond, How will I sleep with someone who doesn’t treat me right or make me happy.
He stopped when he noticed my coldness towards him.
“Everything will be fine now I promise” he assured me.
“Babe I love you, I miss you” he said kissing every part of my body.
I gave in, maybe he meant every word he altered.
Tunde practiced all kinds of stunts on me. I’m very sure he’s been seeing adult films lately, because those moves are out of this world. He made me do all manner of dirty things I can’t start talking about.
After he had satisfied himself, he fell on his bed and slept off.
I cried as I watched him sleep, I felt dirty, I felt like trash. My whole body was aching.
I woke him up when I was ready to leave.
“Tunde! I’m leaving” I tapped him
“OK, you can leave I’ll give you a call”
I couldn’t believe my ears, even a prostitute doesn’t deserve this kind of treatment.
“I said I’m leaving, won’t you see me off?” I said angrily.
“See, babe I’m tired, please let me be, it’s that too much to ask” he barked at me.
“Fine! Go ahead and sleep, honestly I can’t blame you, I’m the one who played the fool”

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